U.S. Department of Justice

Taft Prison Facility: Cost Scenarios

Publication year: 1999 | Cataloged on: Oct. 31, 2006

Library ID

  • 015712


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  • 1999
  • 20 pages.

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Thumbnail preview ANNOTATION: The contract cost of services provided by Wackenhut to run the Taft facility are compared to the cost of comparable services directly provided by the Bureau of Prisons. The Taft project is the first fully-privatized federal correctional facility with an outside contractor assuming primary responsibility for operations. This report includes the following sections: an introduction; OMB Circular A-76 methodology; basis of comparison; comparing costs -- staff compensation, inmate services; miscellaneous operating costs, support costs, and activation costs; and the annual bottom line. Cost analysis reveals that the Taft privatization experiment will not save taxpayer dollars; it costs more to have Wackenhut run Taft than the BOP.

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