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Landsat Missions

Acronyms - P

     Tools| A| B| C| D| E| F| G| H| I| J| K| L| M| N| O| P| Q| R| S| T| U| V| W| X| Y| Z| Numbers| ALL

P/D - Programmable Demodulator

P&C - Project Management and Controls

PAC - Partial Aperture Calibrator

PAIV - Project Acceptance and Implementation Variance

PAM - Pluggable Authentication Module

PAN - Production Acceptance Notification or Panchromatic

PAPH - Pseudo Average Pulse Height

PAPL - Project Approved Parts List

PAR - Post Assessment Report

PASC - Partial Aperture Solar Calibrator

PB - Playback or Petabyte

PBL - Project Baseline Log

PBTLM - PB X-Band Housekeeping Telemetry

PC - Personal Computer, Polyconic, or Production Control

PCA - Physical Configuration Audit, Physical Channel Access, or Point of Closest Approach

Pcache - Processing Cache

PCB - Parts Control Board or Project Control Board

PCD - Payload Correction Data

PCDS - Payload Correction Data Subsystem

PCI - Peripheral Component Interface

PCI-E - Peripheral Component Interconnect Express

PCI-X - Peripheral Component Interconnect Extended

PCM - Pulse Code Modulation

PCP - Parts Control Plan

PCS - Process Control Subsystem or Product Control Subsystem or Production Control Subsystem

PCSS - Program Coordinate Systems Standards

PCU - Power Control Unit

PD - Product Distribution or Position Description

PDB - Program Decision Board

PDD - Presidential Decision Directive

PDF - Portable Document Format or Payload Data Formatter

PDI - Product Delivery Interface

PDL - Product Design Lead

PDPS - USGS – Planning and Data Processing Segment

PDR - Product Delivery Record or Preliminary Design Review

PDRD - Product Delivery Record Discrepancy

PDRM - Product Delivery Receipt Mechanism

PDS - Product Distribution System

PDU - Protocol Data Unit

PER - Performance Evaluation Review or Pre-Environmental Review

PERT - Program Evaluation and Review Technique

PF - Polarization Factor

PF1 - Poker Flats 1

PFPA - Prime Focal Plan Assembly

PFR - Problem / Failure Report

PG - Product Generation

PGS - Product Generation System (Generic Name for NLAPS) or Product Generation Subsystem

PgWBS - Program Work Breakdown Structure

PHA - Preliminary Hazard Analysis

PI - Primary Investigator

PIA - Project Implementation Agreement

PII - Personally Identifiable Information

PIL - Parts Identification List

PIP - Premium Internet Protocol

PIV - Personal Identity Verification

PKI - Public Key Infrastructure

PKO - Project Kick-Off

PL - Public Law

PL-DRO - Phase Locked Dielectric Resonance Oscillator

PL/SQL - Procedural Language / Structured Query Language

PM - Phase Modulation or Program Management or Project Management

PMC - Performance Monitoring Counter

PMB - Performance Measurement Baseline

PMBOK - Project Management Book Of Knowledge

PMI - Project Management Institute

PMO - Persistent Mission Object

PMP - Project Management Professional or Project Management Plan

PMPDR - Physical Media Product Delivery Record

PMPDRD - Physical Media PDR Discrepancy

PN - Pseudorandom Noise or Pseudo-Noise

PNG - Portable Network Graphics

PNTR - Pointer

PO - Project Owner

POA&M - Plan of Action and Milestones

POC - Point of Contact

POJO - Plain Old Java Object

POP - Point-Of-Presence

POSC - Petrotechnical Open Software Corporation

POSIX - Portable Operating System Interface for Unix

PP - Planning Package

PPF - Payload Processing Facility

PPL - Preferred Parts List

ppm - Parts Per Million

PPOC - Procurement Point of Contact

PPQA - Process and Product Quality Assurance

PPS - Pulse Per Second

PR - Program Review or Problem Report or Product Request

PRA - Paperwork Reduction Act or Probabilistic Risk Assessment

PRB - Problem Report Message

PRD - Project Reference Database

PRI - Priority Mask Message

PS - Polar Stereographic or Production Server

PSA - Pre Security Assessment

PSD - Power Spectral Density

PSF - Point Spread Function

PSK - Phase Shift Keyed

PSLA - Project Service Level Agreement

PSM - Project Safety Manager

PSR - Priority/Service Request Mask File or Pre-Ship Review or Pre-Shipment Review, or Program Status Review

PTP - Primary Transfer Program or Programmable Telemetry Processor

PTR - Post-Test Review

PTS - Project Task Structure

PV - Planned Value

PVCS - Polytron Version Control System

PVL - Parameter Value Language

PWB - Printed Wiring Board

PWBS - Project Work Breakdown Structure

PWC - PCS Work Order Controller

PWS - Project Web Site

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Page Contact Information: Ask Landsat
Page Last Modified: 01/16/13 01:31 pm