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Landsat Missions

Acronyms - L

     Tools| A| B| C| D| E| F| G| H| I| J| K| L| M| N| O| P| Q| R| S| T| U| V| W| X| Y| Z| Numbers| ALL

L0 - Level 0

L0c - Level 0 Corrected

L0R - Level 0 Reformatted

L0Ra - Level 0 Reformatted Archive

L0Rc - Level 0 Reformatted Corrected

L0Rp - Level 0 Reformatted Product

L1 - Level 1

L1G - Level 1 Systematic (Corrected)

L1Gs - Level 1 Geometric Systematic

L1Gt - Level 1 Systematic Terrain (Corrected)

L1P - Level 1 Precision (Corrected)

L1R - Level 1 Radiometric (Corrected)

L1R-H - Hybrid Level 1 Radiometric

L1SE - Level 1 Sustaining Engineering

L1T - Level 1 Terrain (Corrected) or Level 1 Precision and Terrain

L5 - Landsat 5

L7 - Landsat 7

L8 - Landsat 8

LACS - Landsat Archive Conversion System

LADS - LDCM Archive and Dissemination Segment

LAM - Landsat Archive Manager

LAM AS - LAM Archive Server

LAM008 - Interface Between COI PS and L0Rp PS

LAN - Local Area Network

LAS - Land Analysis System

LASP - Laboratory for Atmospheric and Space Physics

LAT - Latitude

LC - LDCM Contractor

LCC - Lambert Conformal Conic

LCCB - Landsat Configuration Control Board

LCCR - Landsat Configuration Change Request

LCG - Landsat Coordination Group

LCGS - LDCM Contractor Ground Segment

LCSS - LDCM Contractor Space Segment

LDAP - Lightweight Directory Access Protocol

LDB - IAS Local Database

LDCC - Landsat Data Continuity Contract

LDCM - Landsat Data Continuity Mission

LDI - LPS Data Ingest or L0Ra Data Ingest

LDIF - LDAP Data Interchange Format

LDIS - LAM to DORRAN Interface System

LDPC - Low Density Parity Check

LDPS - Landsat Data Purchase System

LDRCS - LDCM Document Review Comment Spreadsheet

LDTS - LPS Data Transfer Subsystem

LEDAPS - Landsat Ecosystem Disturbance Adaptive Processing System

LEI - LAM to ECS Interface

LEM - Lower Equipment Module

LEO - Low Earth Orbiting

LES - Log file Extraction Services

Level A - Level Zero Aggregated

LG - L0Ra Generator

LGGS - Landsat Global Geodetic Standard

LGN - Landsat 7 Ground Network or LDCM Ground Network

LGPL - Lesser General Public License

LGS - Landsat 7 Ground System or LDCM Ground System

LGSOWG - Landsat Ground Station Operations Working Group

LHC - Left-Hand Circular

LHCP - Left-hand Circularly Polarized

LHS - Left-hand Side or Left-Hand SLO

LIB - Library

LICS - Landsat International Communication System

LID - Landsat and LDCM Inventory Database

LIL - Landsat Inventory Loader or LDCM Inventory Loader

LIM - Landsat Inventory Management or LDCM Interface for Metadata

LIMB - LAM Interface for Metadata and Browse

LIS - Landsat Integration System or LACS Inventory System

LITAP - Landsat Intersegment Technical Assessment Panel

LL - Lower Left

LLI - LAM to LACS Interface

LM - Labeled Mask

Lmax - Maximum Radiance

LMC - Lockheed Martin Corporation

LMD - Landsat Mission Database or LDCM Mission Database

LMDD - Landsat Metadata Description Document

LMI - Lower Equipment Module Interface

LMMS - Lockheed Martin Missiles and Space

LMST - Local Mean Solar Time

LMWS - Landsat Mission Web Site

LNA - Low Noise Amplifiers

LOE - Level of Effort

LON - Longitude

LOOFA - Landsat 7 On-Orbit Flight Automation

LOS - Loss of Signal or Line-of-Sight

LP DAAC - Land Processes Distributed Active Archive Center

LPDS - Level 1 Product Distribution System or LDCM Data Product Specification

LPGS - Level 1 Product Generation System or Level 1 Product Generation Subsystem (LDCM)

LPGSUI - Level 1 Product Generation Subsystem User Interface

LPO - LDCM Program Office or LSDS Program Office

LPS - Landsat 7 Processing System

LPSNG - Landsat Processing System Next Generation

LPSO - Landsat Project Science Office

LPT - Limited Performance Test

LR - Lower Right

LRD - Launch Readiness Date

LRMB - LDCM Risk Management Board

LRR - Launch Readiness Review

LRS - Landsat Remote Sensing

LS - Launch Segment

LSATH - High Saturation Radiance

LSATL - Low Saturation Radiance

LSB - Least Significant Bit

LSC - Landsat Security Committee

LSDS - Land Satellites Data System

LSF - Line Spread Function

LSIMSS - LDCM Scalable Integrated Multi-Mission Support System

LSO - LDCM Science Office

LSQAT - Landsat Science Quality Assurance Team

LSR - Launch Support Room

LSRD - LSDS Science Research and Development

LSS - Launch Services Segment

LST - Landsat Science Team

LTA - Long Term Archive

LTAP - Long-Term Acquisition Plan

LTAS - Landsat Trending and Analysis System

LTI - Legacy Tape Ingest

LTO - Linear Tape Open

LTS - LACS Transcription System

LTVA - Limited Technical Vulnerability Assessment

LTWG - Landsat Technical Working Group

Ltypical - Typical Radiance

LUN - Logical Unit Number

LUT - Look-Up Table

LV - Launce Vehicle

LVDT - Linear Variable Differential Transformer

LWIR - Long Wavelength Infrared

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Page Contact Information: Ask Landsat
Page Last Modified: 01/16/13 01:31 pm