Column Headings for Airline Data found in Bookstore CDs

Published 03/11/2009 12:58 PM   |    Updated 02/27/2013 10:39 AM
Column Headings for Airline Data found in Bookstore CDs

Please see the attached files for record descriptions for the airline data CD downloads available through the Bureau of Transportation Statistics (BTS) Bookstore.

The zipped files include documents that correspond to the following data products:

  • Airline Service Quality Performance 234 (On-Time performance data)
  • Data Bank 1B - Ticket Dollar Value Origin and Destination
  • Data Bank 10 - Form 41 Financial Schedules of U.S. Air Carriers
  • Data Bank 20 - Form 41 Schedule T-1 (T-100) - Monthly U.S. Air Carrier Capacity and Traffic Data
  • Data Bank 21 - Form 41 Schedule T-2 (T-100) Quarterly Traffic and Capacity Data of U.S. Air Carriers, Summarized by Aircraft Type
  • Data Bank 22 - Form 41 Schedule T-3 (T-100) Quarterly U.S. Air Carrier Airport Activity Statistics
  • Data Bank 28DM - T-100 Domestic Market Data - U.S. Air Carriers Traffic and Capacity Data
  • Data Bank 28DS - T-100 Domestic Segment Data - U.S. Air Carriers Traffic and Capacity Data
  • Data Bank 28DS - T-100 Domestic Segment Data (World Area Code) - U.S. Air Carriers Traffic and Capacity Data
  • Data Bank 28IM - T-100 and T-100(f) International Market Data, U.S. and Foreign Air Carriers Traffic and Capacity Data
  • Data Bank 28IM - T-100 and T-100(f) International Market Data, U.S. and Foreign Air Carriers Traffic and Capacity Data (World Area Code)
  • Data Bank 28IS - T-100 and T-100(f) International Segment Data, U.S. and Foreign Air Carriers Traffic and Capacity Data (World Area Code)
  • Data Bank 28IS - T-100 and T-100(f) International Segment Data, U.S. and Foreign Air Carriers Traffic and Capacity Data

You can access the Bookstore at


Downloads of airline data are also available through our TranStats database:  For more information on traffic statistics, Click Here.  For financial statistics, Click Here, and for on-time statistics, Click Here

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