Chief of Naval Operations Visits ONR Video Transcript - 2 Minutes

Speaker Key:
CNO: ADM Gary Roughead, Chief of Naval Operations

CNO: Thank you very much.

CNO: It really is great to be here today. [RADM William Landay, Chief of Naval Research] told me that, by the record count, I guess it’s been about 10 years since a Navy CNO’s been over to talk.

CNO: As I mentioned when I came in, one of the things that was important for me was to be able to look to the future and to look for what I call The Next Big Thing, and this, I believe, is the organization that will be able to deliver that for the Navy because you have the insights, you have the intellect, you have the tentacles that reach out into the organizations that produce the types of ideas and technologies that will give the Navy the next big thing.

CNO: And the next big thing really does come from you because it does come from people. The stuff is out there but it’s through your judgment and your perspectives that you can say, 'This may be something that can trip that trigger.'

CNO: And everything always won’t turn out – you know that better than anyone around – but we must always be looking down that path because, also as I’ve said several times, I never want any of our sailors in a fair fight. We always have to be giving them the advantage over an adversary. We always have to be giving them an advantage over the environment, over the challenges that they may face the range of missions that our Navy is involved in today.

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