ONR Partnership Conference Day 1 Video Transcript - 2 Minutes

Speaker Key:
RADM Landay: Rear Admiral William “Bill” Landay III, Chief of Naval Research
Col Kelley: Colonel Frank Kelley, USMC, PM Training Systems
Reddick: Calvin Reddick, Office of Transition (Code 03T)
Hall: Cathy Hall, Exhibitor, Technology Service Corp

Narrator: More than 1300 science and technology industry professionals from the Department of Defense, private industry, small business and academia gathered to engage with ONR’s principal S&T decision makers at the 2008 ONR Naval S&T Partnership Conference in Washington, DC.

Narrator: The conference offers attendees the opportunity to network with like-minded professionals committed to the exploration and discovery of new and promising innovations.

RADM Landay: This is about relevant research. This is about taking that great science that we discover, that great science that we’re able to foster and turn that into capability in the hands of the warfighter, capability in the hands of the Navy and Marine Corps in order to be able to support what they do.

Col. Kelley: When you come out into the breakout sessions and you’re able to talk to ADM Landay for a few seconds, George Solhan for a whole lot longer than that, that’s gold. You can’t put a price on that.

Reddick: It’s been a very good exchange today. A lot of people are interested in our programs. It’s a good thing that ONR did and I think it’s going to be very productive in the future. I think everything went good.

Hall: I’ve gotten to meet a lot of people and I’ve kind of gotten to know exactly what some of our people do that we work with so I’m learning a lot as well as learning a lot from other people. So it’s been quite a good experience for me.

Narrator: Commenting on national defense during a keynote speech, Vice Admiral Harvey said:

VADM Harvey: There are rapidly emerging threats to which we must be able to quickly respond, developing the technology which will allow us to, early on, detect and counter these threats will be truly critical to our ability to defend our homeland.

Narrator: Attendees also got the opportunity to get an inside view of the combat technology vehicle as well as observe non-lethal Taser technology demonstrated by the Coast Guard.

Narrator: The conference continues through Thursday.

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