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Brochures & serials

Substance Abuse Treatment Advisory Series

Advisory Series
SAMHSA Advisory bulletins provide behavioral health care providers and others with information on emerging issues and hot topics that have immediate consequences for those in the behavioral health care field. They also detail new promising research findings related to the health and well-being of clients with substance use disorders or mental illness.

Substance Abuse in Brief Fact Sheets

In Brief Series
These periodicals contain information on prevention and treatment of substance use disorders and mental illness that can be helpful for nontreatment providers, including professionals from the primary care, criminal justice, and social work fields.

Consumer Products

Consumer Products
These products are for clients and their families and provide basic information on substance use disorders (SUDs), treatment and recovery, the effects of SUDs on the family, and issues related to SUDs.

Practitioner Products

Practitioner Products
These tools are short, helpful products substance abuse treatment providers can use to help their clients.

Page Last Updated:
Tuesday, July 17, 2012