U.S. Department of Commerce

Economic Census


2012 Economic Census Schedule

Jan - Dec 2010 Consultation with stakeholders
May - Dec 2011 Forms submitted to Office of Management & Budget (OMB) for approval
Spring 2012 Contacts begin with large companies
Fall 2012 Publicity begins
Oct 2012Forms mailed to selected small companies
Nov 2012Forms mailed to very large companies
Dec 2012Forms mailed to most businesses
February 12, 2013Forms Due
Dec 2013 Advance Report published
Spring - Fall 2014Industry Series published
Fall 2014 - Summer 2015Geographic Area Series published
Late 2015 - Summer 2016Other census reports published
Source: U.S. Census Bureau | Economic Planning and Coordination Division | 1-877-790-1876 | Last Revised: September 10, 2012