Continuous School Improvement Plan (CSIP)

Together We Can

CSI Report 2011-2012

School Improvement Status Report (School Year 2011-2012)

DoDEA School Report Card

CSI Plan (School Year 2012-2013)

Advanced Ed Website

Our Mission

We believe that children are our highest priority. We promote a cooperative partnership among students, parents, community and staff. Our Mission is to build a strong foundation for lifelong learning by nurturing, guiding and challenging all students to achieve their maximum potential.

Our Mission in Kid Friendly Language

"My teachers know I am important! My friends, parents, community friends, and teachers work together to help me learn things that I will use all of my life. They help me do my very best! Together we can!"

Our Vision

Our goal is to prepare students intellectually, emotionally, socially and physically to be responsible citizens in an ever-changing world.

Our Vision in Kid Friendly Language

"I am using my mind, feelings, behavior, and body to be a responsible citizen in a world that is always changing."

FLES teacher using a puppet

Staff Development

The school system provides professional development training throughout the school year for the teachers. On Wednesdays, the children are dismissed early so that our faculty can participate in on-site staff development/training. Professional development training is based on needs generated by our continual school improvement process. Our focus is using formative and summative school data to identify areas for targeted improvement in student achievement. We are also using formative data to identify areas for targeted improvements in student’s 21st century skills. 

teacher with students at a table


Our 2 Big Goals

Based on our data review, parent surveys and environmental scan of what our children will need to be able to do in the future, 2 big goals were established.

Student at a computer


All students will improve their abilities to solve problems.

Essence of the Goal: Students will increase problem solving skills to include reading for understanding, selecting a strategy, solving and confirming answers.

HOW: 4 Step Problem Solving

Read-Be sure you understand the problem.
Plan- Choose a strategy.
Solve- Carry out your plan.
Look Back-Is the answer reasonable?


All students will improve reading comprehension

Essence of the Goal: All students will increase literacy skills to include, vocabulary, story retelling and comprehension.

HOW– Graphic Organizers-Visual cues to enhance memory and promote comprehension.

Parents can help
Graphic Organizers

Checks and balance

Ongoing student progress will be monitored and reported quarterly.



There will be a CSI meeting every Wednesday at 2:00

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This page was last updated January 9, 2013 Please send questions or comments about this website to the Webmaster