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2003 SN CRAC (SN-03) Expedited Rate Case
Rate Hearing (7i) Files
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This web page provides a link (below) to electronic files submitted by Rate Case Parties in the current SN CRAC 7(i) proceeding. Bonneville has made these files available in response to public requests. These files are grouped in "browsable" directories (preceeded with a <dir> tag) with names that correspond to the different types of rate hearing documents. There is also a directory that contains public comments to the extent they are available. [Note: These directories do not include BPA files already available on the Initial Proposal page or in the "Queue".]

DISCLAIMER:  BPA is not responsible for the content of the files that have been submitted by other rate case parties. These files are posted "as is" and have not been altered by BPA. BPA does not provide technical support for these documents nor does it provide technical support for any problems that may occur. Although these documents have been scanned by BPA anti-virus software, BPA cannot guarantee the files are virus-free.

Notes: Some directories may contain files that are too large to view in a web browser. Please note the file size information to the left of the file name. If you are not able to view a document when you click on a file link with your LEFT mouse button, try downloading the file to a local drive and opening it with the appropriate application program (MS Word/Excel/PowerPoint or Acrobat Reader). To download a file to a local drive, click on the file link with your RIGHT mouse button and select "Save Target As . . ." from the pop-up window.

Material will continue to be added as the rate proceeding continues. To the extent material is stricken from the record pursuant to the Hearing Officer, it will be removed. Below is a Rate Case Party code listing that is helpful for navigating the filed documents since files are named in such a way so as to note the type of filing and, in most instances, the Party on whose behalf the filing is made. For questions, please contact Sarah Westenberg at 503-230-4753, sawestenberg@bpa.gov.

Rate Case Party Codes
AL - Alcoa, Inc.
AC - Avista Corporation
AE - Avista Energy, Inc.
BPA - Bonneville Power Administration
CA - Canby Utility Board
CC - Coalition Customers
CF - Columbia Falls Aluminum Company, LLC
CL - Central Lincoln PUD
CR - Columbia River Inter-Tribal Fish Commission
EW - Eugene Water & Electric Board
GE - Portland General Electric Company
GN - Golden Northwest Aluminum, Inc.
GP - Generating Public Utilities
IE - Idaho Energy Authority, Inc.
IN - Industrial Customers Of Northwest Utilities
IP - Idaho Power Company
JC - Joint Customers
NR - Northwest Requirements Utilities
OP - Oregon Public Utility Commission
PL - PacifiCorp
PN - Pacific Northwest Generating Cooperative
PP - Public Power Council
PS - Puget Sound Energy, Inc.
RN - Renewable Northwest Project
SA - Save Our Wild Salmon and Northwest Energy Coalition
SP - Springfield Utility Board
TU - City Of Tacoma
WA - Western Public Agencies Group
WU - WA Utilities And Transportation Commission
YA - Confederated Tribes And Bands Of The Yakama Nation

Content provided by:  Sarah Westenberg, BPA, 503-230-4753, sawestenberg@bpa.gov.
Page maintained by:  BPA Web Team.
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