Research & Development Activities

Image of an industrial gas turbine.

Erosion-resistant nanocoatings are making gas turbine engines more efficient, reducing cost and saving fuel. Photo credit: National Energy Technology Laboratory

A strong magnet made out of neodymium, an alloy of a rare earth element.

Strong magnets made from the critical material neodymium are in hybrid cars and wind turbines. Photo credit: National Renewable Energy Laboratory

Technology innovation drives economic growth. Our R&D projects explore novel processes and materials to expand U.S. leadership in advanced manufacturing and the global clean energy economy. Projects are competitively selected and cost-shared with industry to maximize energy savings and economic benefits. In addition, shared infrastructure and facilities are available to support innovation in key areas. Read more About AMO R&D.

Innovative Manufacturing Initiative

Investments in transformational manufacturing processes and materials promise to reduce energy use, revitalize existing industries, and enable products with new functionality.

Manufacturing Demonstration Facilities

MDFs provide access to advanced physical and virtual tools for rapidly demonstrating new manufacturing technologies and optimizing critical processes.

Critical Materials Hub

Multidisciplinary teams at the Hub will explore ways to address challenges in critical materials, including mineral processing, manufacture, substitution, efficient use, and end-of-life recycling.

Small Business Innovative Research (SBIR)

SBIR awards support small businesses to advance scientific discoveries and develop and commercialize manufacturing solutions.

Combined Heat and Power (CHP)

Development, testing, and validation of advanced CHP and distributed energy systems paves the way for accelerated deployment in manufacturing and other applications.

Next Generation Manufacturing Processes

New manufacturing processes, simulation tools, and technologies are pursued in four key areas to lower the energy intensity of manufacturing.

Next Generation Materials

Innovative materials can open new design spaces for high-performance and renewable energy technology manufacturing. Projects focus on three areas with clear energy, carbon, and economic benefits.