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Members of Congress Look to Create Jobs in Emerging Industries

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Blogged By: 
Terry Richards

During the First Session of the 112th Congress, Members introduced various bills designed to help spur job creation, particularly in emerging industries such as technology and green energy. Below are some examples of legislation and their sponsors introduced to date:

  • H.R. 72 New Jobs for America Act (U.S. Rep. Sheila Jackson Lee of Texas)
    Directs the Secretary of Labor, subject to the availability of appropriations, to make grants to state and local governments and Indian tribes to carry out employment training programs to aid unemployed individuals in securing employment in a new area of expertise, particularly in emerging markets and industries such as green technologies.

  • H.R. 133 Creating Jobs from Innovative Small Businesses Act (U.S. Rep. Rush Holt of New Jersey)
    Amends the Internal Revenue Code to allow a general business tax credit of 20% of the amount paid to acquire an equity investment in a qualified high technology small business concern. Defines "qualified high technology small business concern" as a small business concern that employs an average of fewer than 500 employees during a year and devotes at least 50% of its gross expenditures to research and experimentation.

More information on these bills and others can be found at Thomas.loc.gov.

House Appropriations Committee Approves Commerce FY 2012 Spending Bill: On July 13, 2011, the full House Appropriations approved the FY 2012 Commerce, Justice, Science, and Related Agencies spending bill. The approved legislation contains $50.2 billion in funding. This is a reduction of $3.1 billion or 6% below last year’s level, and $7.4 billion or 13% below the President’s request for these programs. Among other Commerce entities, the committee approved approximately $30 million for the Minority Business Development Agency, nearly $3 million below President Obama’s request. The Senate must also consider an appropriations measure for the upcoming fiscal year before it becomes law. FY 2012 begins on October 1, 2011

Did you know...

Between 2002 and 2007, minority-owned firms outpaced the growth of non-minority firms in gross receipts, employment, and number of firms. Minority firms are an engine of job creation.
Graph for MBE Growth

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