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MBDA Facilitates Job Growth by Fostering the Development of Minority-owned Businesses

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Blogged By: 
David Hinson, National Director

David HinsonFor over 40 years, the Minority Business Development Agency (MBDA) has facilitated job growth by fostering the development of minority-owned business here in the United States. Minority business enterprises (MBEs) create jobs in a variety of economic sectors, from manufacturing to hospitality services and everything in between.  

To ensure that our country remains competitive in the future, we must ensure that minority-owned businesses are providing the jobs of the future. That’s why MBDA works to help minority-owned businesses participate in some of our fastest growing sectors including high-tech, healthcare IT, and green energy.

Advancements in technology and new developments in information technology bring more opportunities in the tech sector. As healthcare providers improve and update the way they store and share medical records, there will be growing jobs in healthcare IT. Finally, as we transition from fossil fuels to cleaner modes of energy production, there will be more and more opportunities in the green, renewable energy solutions our children and grandchildren will come to rely on.

These jobs may be updating our electrical grid, maintaining infrastructure, or manufacturing new materials, such as solar panels.

In fact, some minority-owned firms are already leading the way. In this month’s newsletter we feature a success story from an MBDA client and Native American-owned firm that constructs solar panels—Sacred Power, Inc.

Sacred Power is the largest Native-American-owned renewable energy company in the U.S., and has received numerous contracts to build and install self-sustaining solar electricity systems for homes without power in remote areas of the Navajo Nation. In providing renewable electricity to its customers, Sacred Power is providing the jobs of the future.

In closing, I would like to let you know that we recently added a new MBDA Business Center in Denver, Colorado to our growing nationwide network. As the headquarter city of several large companies, and with a large minority population and an international airport to facilitate global trade, Denver is an ideal location for this center. The growing number of green technology companies, financial services firms, and aviation technology manufacturers mean Denver is growing in the right direction. With technical assistance from our new MBDA Business Center, we’ll ensure that minority-owned businesses are growing in the right direction as well, and providing the jobs of the tomorrow today.

Please join me in welcoming the operator of the MBDA Business Center in Denver, the Rocky Mountain Supplier Development Council, to the MBDA network.  We look forward to their success in serving MBEs throughout Colorado and the nation. Read Taking it to the Next Level: MBDA Business Center in Denver

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