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This site provides an overview and instruction manual to the DoDEA 21 st Century Education Facilities Specifications documents. This web site communicates space types and facility organization for both primary and secondary schools. The online manual is a live document that enables feedback, accessibility to guidelines, and the ability to make ongoing changes when necessary.  


DoDEA, with contractor support, worked together to create education facility specifications for 21 st Century learning spaces. The education facility specifications will help guide the future replacement, renovation and improvement of DoDEA schools.


The purpose of this website is to facilitate the future visioning and development of Facilities for 21 st Century education. 21 st Century Education Facilities Specifications documents aid designers in creating spaces that are flexible and adaptable, facilitate multiple modes of learning, and provide varying scales of learning environments. DoDEA selected an online format for the new design specifications for accessibility, feedback, and the ability to make user-guided improvements.


This website is designed to be user-friendly and provide easy access to a large body of information. The above image shows the website’s homepage. In order to effectively use the website, users will need to download and install the Adobe Acrobat Reader plugin for their browser (figure B). This website is best viewed in the latest version of Windows Internet Explorer.

Site Organization: The website is organized by the six color-coded tabs at the top of the screen (figure A): 

  1. Ideology and Education Pedagogy  
  2. Facilities for 21 st Century Learning  
  3. Conceptual Adjacencies and Relationships 
  4. Space Types and Requirements  
  5. Design Guidelines  
  6. Supporting Documentation