<%@LANGUAGE="VBSCRIPT" CODEPAGE="65001"%> <% ' Loads a file and executes it as an ASP file. ' Needed to perform dynamic execution of BSP/FUSE ' and can be useful down the road Function GetFileContentsForExecution(aspFileFragmentPath) Dim oFSO, sContents 'Obtain a reference to the FileSystemObject Set oFSO = Server.CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject") 'Obtain the file contents sContents = oFSO.OpenTextFile(Request.ServerVariables("APPL_PHYSICAL_PATH") & aspFileFragmentPath).ReadAll Set oFSO = Nothing 'reference to the FileSystemObject 'Remove the ASP scripting tags sContents = Replace (sContents, "<" & "%", "") sContents = Replace (sContents, "%" & ">", "") GetFileContentsForExecution = sContents End Function ' Grabs the node value of the responseXML returned ' by the CSWP_DOC_INFO service. This is used to ' display metadata on the confirmation page. Function GetXmlNodeValue(objXmlRowNode, strNodeName) Dim objXmlNode, objXmlNodeValue Set objXmlNode = objXmlRowNode.selectSingleNode("@" & strNodeName) If (objXmlNode Is Nothing) Then Set objXmlNode = objXmlRowNode.selectSingleNode("idc:field[@name='" & strNodeName & "']") End If If (Not (objXmlNode Is Nothing)) Then GetXmlNodeValue = objXmlNode.Text End If End Function %> <%dim instanceName%> <%dim serverAddr%> <%dim visitorIP%> <%dim displayAllBSP%> <%dim fuseType%> <%dim cswpProgram%> <%instanceName = "build"%> <%serverAddr = "http" & "://" & "build.export.gov" & "/build/idcplg"%> <%visitorIP = Request.ServerVariables("REMOTE_ADDR")%>
<% dim siteURL siteURL = Request.ServerVariables("server_name") if siteURL =("export.gov") then response.Write("") else end if %>
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Commercial Service Calgary

Address: 10th Floor - 615 Macleod Trail SE
Calgary, Alberta, T2G 4T8
Phone: (403) 265-2116
Fax: (403) 266-4743
Email: office.calgary@trade.gov

Cindy Biggs, Principal Commercial Officer

  • Cindy Biggs is the Principal Commercial Officer at the U.S. Consulate in Calgary, Alberta. Cindy covers Manitoba, Saskatchewan, Alberta and British Columbia and is the lead on the CS Canada Energy Team.

    Cindy Biggs joined the U.S. Export Assistance Center in Chicago in September 2008 after having served as the Senior Commercial Officer in Bucharest, Romania for three years. Cindy’s team of seven facilitated over 367 million dollars in U.S. exports to Romania during the 2008 fiscal year.

    Cindy began working with the Foreign Commercial Service in Monterrey, Mexico where she served as Vice-Consul for Commercial Affairs from 2002 to 2004. Cindy initiated a career with the US Government when she was hired by the US Embassy in Caracas, Venezuela as a Senior Commercial Specialist, a position she held for five years before joining the Foreign Commercial Service.

    Cindy initially began working in television while attending Western Michigan University when she was hired by an ABC Television affiliate. Upon graduation, Cindy moved to Venezuela where the Kellogg’s Corporation employed her as a Marketing Manager. Subsequent moves took her to Queretaro, Mexico, Sao Paulo, Brazil and eventually back to Battle Creek, Michigan. Cindy returned to ABC as a journalist during her three-year stay in Michigan.

Crystal Roberts, Commercial Specialist
(403) 265-2116

  • Crystal Roberts works with U.S. exporters and Canadian importers in Manitoba, Saskatchewan, Alberta and British Columbia. She is responsible for all products and services related to the oil and gas industry. Crystal is part of CS Canada’s Energy Team and also specializes in client outreach, trade shows recruitment, and event planning.

Connie Smith, Commercial Specialist
(403) 265-2116

  • Connie Smith works with U.S. exporters and Canadian importers in Manitoba, Saskatchewan, Alberta and British Columbia. She is responsible for Forestry, Renewable Energy and Mining in Western Canada, Waste Water, Pollution Control and Travel and Tourism in Western Canada. She is fluent in Chinese Mandarin, French and Spanish.

Jared Byrne, Commercial Specialist
(403) 265-2116

  • Jared Byrne was born in Gweru, Zimbabwe and has both lived and traveled extensively throughout Singapore, East and West Malaysia, New Zealand as well as Nova Scotia, Saskatchewan, British Columbia and Alberta. Jared graduated from the University of Lethbridge’s Calgary campus with a Bachelor of Management Degree with Distinction. He brings to the table work experience at both the municipal and provincial levels, as well as within private regulatory bodies. Prior to being brought on board Jared served as a CS Calgary Intern for two months.

Learn to sell to the Government of Canada!
  • The Canada Border Services Agency’s (CBSA) eManifest initiative is changing the way commercial goods coming into Canada are processed.  Learn more and stay informed! Visit the CBSA Web site regularly and subscribe to the eManifest RSS news feed to receive updates when they happen.