Letters and Meetings

Meeting Date
Meeting Details
Related Documents
November 19, 2009 Letter from Justin Rodriguez, Intergovernmental Relations Council Committee, San Antonio, TX, to John Morabito. (PDF)
November 5, 2009 NTIA participated in a meeting with FiberTower and Dutko Worldwide to discuss policy issues to be addressed in the second round of BTOP funding. Summary (PDF)
September 24, 2009 Letter from Minneapolis Mayor R.T. Rybak to Assistant Secretary Lawrence E. Strickling. (PDF)
September 23, 2009 NTIA participated in a meeting of various consumer and public interest organizations to provide an update on the BTOP program. Summary (PDF)
September 22, 2009 Representatives of NATOA discussed potential rule revisions for
the second round of funding under the Broadband Technology Opportunities Program.
Summary (PDF)
September 18, 2009 NTIA met with representatives of the American Library Association and National LamdaRail. The discussion centered on the second round of funding under BTOP, specifically with respect to potential rule changes. Summary (PDF)
September 17, 2009 US Conference of Mayors' letter to Commerce Secretary Gary Locke -- Urging "careful attention to reconsidering the restrictive criteria that requires public safety and anchor institutions meet an underserved or unserved test before being eligible for broadband funding in the first round of the Broadband Technology and Opportunities Program (BTOP)..." (PDF)
September 17, 2009 NTlA met with CEO and others from British Telecom (BT) to discuss NTIA's policy priorities on open access (in particular "special access") and competitive supply in U.S. broadband markets, as well as to discuss the UK's Digital Britain broadband plan. Summary (PDF)
September 8, 2009 Letter from Providence Mayor David Cicilline to Secretary Gary Locke. (PDF)
September 8, 2009 Letter from the Sandoval County Administrative Offices to Secretary Gary Locke and Secretary Tom Vilsack. (PDF)
September 2, 2009 Letter from Los Angeles Mayor Antonio Villaraigosa to Secretary Gary Locke. (PDF)
September 1, 2009 Letter from Sonoma County Public Safety Commission Joint Powers Authority to Commerce Secretary Gary Locke – urging change to the grant guidelines/requirements for the Recovery Act Broadband Technology Opportunities Program (BTOP) for the next round of funding. (PDF)
August 11, 2009 Letter from Hawaii State Legislature to Assistant Secretary Lawrence E. Strickling, NTIA, "endorsing the recommendations made by the Schools, Health and Libraries Coalition...; and encourage the NTIA to issue an addendum to its NOFA and application deadlines regarding the importance of service to state anchor institutions." (PDF)
August 10, 2009 Letter from Commissioner Paul J. Coscgrave, NYC Information Technology & Telecommuncations, to Assistant Secretary Lawrence E. Strickling. (PDF)
August 6, 2009 Letter stating that the undersigned associations and three largest providers of broadband service, remain committed to helping NTIA complete the important and difficult task of mapping broadband availability and believe that the modifications suggested above will improve and expedite these efforts. While we have expressed other concerns, we have limited this proposal to those that we are most confident will in no way detract from achieving NTIA’s goals. If the agency is willing to implement these modifications, we would commit to encouraging the full cooperation of our companies and member companies in providing data to the state mapping awardees. (PDF)
August 4, 2009 The participants discussed the following issues in the context of the broadband mapping Notice of Funds Availability: granularity of data reporting requirements with respect to broadband availability, speed, and infrastructure; and the scope of public disclosure of data collected from broadband providers. Summary (PDF)
August 3, 2009 Letter from the Chatman County Board of Commissioners, to David J. Villano, Rural Utilities Service, requesting that the challenges rural areas face in meeting the BIP or BTOP requirements are considered in any subsequent rounds of funding. (PDF)
July 31, 2009 The participants discussed the type, specificity, and use of broadband data that NTIA seeks to collect via the broadband mapping Notice of Funds Availability. Summary (PDF)
July 29, 2009 JANCO Partners Inc. Objection to "Sale or Lease of Project Assets" Provision in Notice of Funds Availability Issued July 2,2009 EMail (PDF)
July 29, 2009 Participants at the meeting discussed the following aspects of the broadband mapping NOFA: confidentiality of data, granularity of address-level broadband availability data requirements; reporting of braodband infrastructure deployment; report of provider revenue data; reporting of actual broadband speeds; and reporting or wireless frequency bands used by providers. Summary (PDF)
July 24, 2009 Letter from the Board of Officers and membership of the Association of Public-Safety Communications Officials (APCO) International to Assistant Secretary Lawrence E. Strickling. (PDF)
July 23, 2009 Letter from American Library Association to Assistant Secretary Lawrence E. Strickling. (PDF)
July 22, 2009 Fred Humphries, Managing Director of Federal Government Affairs, and Paul Boyd, Regulatory Counsel, expressed Microsoft's support of BTOP funding for libraries and other anchor institutions. We also discussed the tentative timeline for the second and third BTOP application windows and the process by which NTIA might seek additional public comment concerning the program. Summary (PDF)
July 20, 2009 Letter from US Telecom to Assistant Secretary Lawrence E. Strickling. (PDF)
July 16, 2009 Letter from Media and Democracy Coalition to Assistant Secretary Lawrence E. Strickling. (PDF)
July 14, 2009 Letter from Schools, Health and Libraries Broadband Coalition to Lawrence E. Strickling requesting that NTIA issue an addendum to the NOFA and to the application guidelines recognizing the importance of service to anchor institutions and reflecting the points noted in the letter. (PDF)
July 14, 2009 Letter from Broadband Opportunity Coalition to Secretary Gary Locke and Secretary Tom Vilsack. (PDF)
July 2, 2009 Letter from President of 360 Networks to Secretary Gary Locke. (PDF)
June 22, 2009 Letter from Infinera Corporation discussing the "Buy American" provision. (PDF)
June 23, 2009 Meeting between the Schools, Health and
Libraries Broadband Coalition and NTIA Chief of Staff Tom Power
Meeting Summary (DOC)
June 19, 2009 Ex Parte Meeting between Sand Cherry Associates and NTIA Meeting Summary (DOCX)

SCA Presentation (PPT)
June 17, 2009 Ex Parte Meeting between representatives from National
Association of Regional Councils, POCKETS Distributed Workplace Alternative, Inc and NTIA
Meeting Summary (DOC)
June 4, 2009 State of Alaska meeting with NTIA Meeting Summary (DOC)
May 27, 2009 DC Office of the Chief Technology Officer - Intergovernmental Initiatives
Meeting Summary (PDF)
May 20, 2009 Meeting between representatives of ADTRAN, Inc. and staff from NTIA's domestic policy office Meeting Summary (DOC)
May 20, 2009 Rey Ramsey, CEO of One Economy Corporation, spoke with Tom Power of NTIA Meeting Summary (DOC)
May 19, 2009 Telephone conversation between John Marinho, Alcatel-Lucent, and John Morabito, NTIA Conversation Summary (PDF)
May 19, 2009 Meetings between NTIA and Congressional Offices Memo (PDF)
May 18, 2009 Meeting with Hispanic Communications Network Meeting Summary (DOC)
May 14, 2009 Telephone conversation between Jeffrey Campbell, Cisco Systems, and John Morabito, NTIA Conversation Summary (DOC)
May 13, 2009 Ex Parte Telephone Conversation between NTIA and TIA Conversation Summary (DOC)
May 7, 2009 Ex Parte Meeting with Officials from the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania Meeting Summary (PDF)

Presentation (PDF)

Broadband Stimulus Initiative (PPT)
May 5, 2009 Ex Parte contact on May 5, 2009 to NTIA's Office of Congressional Affairs, from Kevin Overmyer, Marshall County (Indiana) Commissioner regarding the Marshall County Metronet Meeting Summary (PPT)
May 1, 2009 Conversation between John Marinho, Vice President of Public Affairs for Alcatel-Lucent Americas, and Mark Seifert, NTIA Conversation Summary (DOC)
May 1, 2009 Discussion between Debbie Goldman, Communications Workers of America, and Mark Seifert, NTIA Meeting Summary (PDF)
May 1, 2009 Telephone conversation between Jeffrey Campbell, Cisco Sytems, and Mark Seifert, NTIA Conversation Summary (DOC)
April 28, 2009 Meeting between Broadband Diversity Supporters, White House staff memebers Susan Crawford, National Economic Council and Dr. David Washington, Office of Public Liasion Meeting Summary (PDF)
April 24, 2009 Meeting between NTIA and representatives of multiple New York State agencies Meeting Summary (DOC)
April 23, 2009 Meeting between NTIA and Delta Regional Authority Meeting Summary (DOCX)
April 23, 2009 Meeting between NTIA and Congressional Offices Meeting Summary (DOC)
April 23, 2009 Meeting between NTIA and National Association of Regulatory Utility Commissioners' Meeting Summary (PDF)

NTIA Advocay Materials (PDF)
April 22, 2009 Telephone meeting with Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation Conversation Summary (DOC)
April 22, 2009 Meeting between NTIA and City of Chicago Meeting Summary (DOC)

Presentation (PPTX)
April 21, 2009 Email from Gregory L. Rosston, Deputy Director of the Stanford Institute for Economic Policy Research to Susan Crawford of the National Economic Council Meeting Summary (DOC)
April 20, 2009 Meeting between NTIA and Gregory L. Rosston, Deputy Director of the Stanford Institute for Economic Policy Research Meeting Summary (DOC)
April 17, 2009 Meeting between Gregory L. Rosston, Deputy Director of the Stanford Institute for Economic Policy Research and personnel from NTIA, RUS, OMB, FCC and the National Economic Council Meeting Summary (DOC)
April 15, 2009 Ex Parte Submission by Empiris Proposal (DOC)

Richmond Total Broadband (JPG)

Richmond HH Income Broadband Coverage (JPG)
April 14, 2009 Meeting between NTIA staff and David Townsend and Dr. Mark Kennet Meeting Summary (DOC)

Broadband Model Overview (PPT)

Implementing the Broadband Stimulus (DOC)
April 14, 2009 Meeting between NTIA and Minority Media Telecommunications Counsel Meeting Summary (PDF)

Email 1 (PDF)

Email 1 Attachment (PDF)

Email 2 (PDF)

Email 3 (PDF)

Email 4 (PDF)

Email 5 (PDF)

Email 6 (PDF)
April 8, 2009 Meeting between NTIA staff and representatives of the New York City Department of Information Technology & Telecommunications Meeting Summary (DOC)

Presentation (PDF)
April 8, 2009 Meeting between NTIA and Apex Meeting Summary (DOC)
April 7, 2009 Meeting between NTIA Staff and Center for Innovative Technology Meeting Summary (DOC)
April 7, 2009 Meeting between NTIA Staff and ConnectArkansas Meeting Summary (DOC)
April 1, 2009 Meeting between NTIA and The Vermont Office of Economic Stimulus Meeting Summary (DOC)
March 27, 2009 Meeting between NTIA and The Vermont Office of Economic Stimulus Meeting Summary (DOC)
March 24, 2009 Telephone conversation between Mark Seifert, NTIA, and representatives of Alcatel-Lucent Conversation Summary (DOC)
March 23, 2009 Telephone conversation between Mark Seifert, NTIA, and Jeffrey Campbell of Cisco Systems Conversation Summary (DOC)
March 23, 2009 Meeting between NTIA Staff and the Massachusetts Dept of Telecommunications & Cable Meeting Summary (DOC)

Cover Letter (PDF)

Maps (PPTX)

Broadband Data Reply Comments (PDF)

Mapping Slides (PPT)

March 20, 2009 Meeting between NTIA Domestic Policy Staff and Space Data Meeting Summary (DOC)
March 20, 2009 Meeting Between NTIA Staff and Pew Internet Study Meeting Summary (DOC)
March 18, 2009 Meeting between NTIA and the California Public Utility Commission Meeting Summary (DOC)
March 17, 2009 Telephone meeting with Congresswoman Jo Ann Emerson and Staff Conversation Summary (DOC)
March 12, 2009 Meeting between NTIA Domestic Policy Staff and representatives of Apex CoAdvantage Meeting Summary (DOC)

Mapping Presentation To NTIA (PDF)

Charlotte Blocks and Tracts (XSLX)

Charlotte Tracts (XLSX)
March 11, 2009 Meeting between NTIA Domestic Policy Staff and CostQuest Associates Meeting Summary (DOC)

Presentation (PDF)
March 4, 2009 Meeting between NTIA Domestic Policy Staff and representatives of Connected Nation Meeting Summary (DOC)

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