Enterprise Connection Division: The Power to Connect



The Network Services Enterprise Connection Division consists of the Connection Approval Office, DSAWG and PPSM, which together, approve secure interoperable connections in support of the warfighter and mission partners for applications, information systems, and networks authorized to operate on the enterprise infrastructure. Read more about each branch of the Enterprise Connection Division and how they can assist you by reading our brochure.

Division Brochure

If you are familiar with the connection process , go to your CPG section to identify the actions required to complete the Connection Approval Process (CAP) Package.

If you are a first time visitor , the Connection Process Guide (CPG) is mandated by policy CJCSI.6211.O2D, which states that "all connections to the DISN must be in accordance with the DISN Connection Process Guide." We recommend that you review the CPG which provides instructions and processes for Department of Defense (DoD) and non-Department of Defense (non-DoD) service requestors. The CPG provides step-by-step instruction and detailed procedures that all DoD and non-DoD Mission Partners must follow to obtain and retain connections to the DISN, and consolidates the connection processes for all networks and services such as NIPR, SIPR, DSN, VOIP and CDS, into one document that assists Partners in understanding connection requirements and timelines, and provides Points of Contact for assistance throughout the process. Go to your CPG section to identify the actions required to complete the Connection Approval Process (CAP) Package.

It is important to note that the Enterprise Connection Division is approving requests to connect to the DISN but does not own the entire process. The Enterprise Connection Process below is a simplified conceptual Mission Partner view that shows the end-to-end length of request fulfillment time for a complete connection and all the various steps that can influence the process. Customers requiring a new connection to the DISN and its services must use the DISA Direct Order Entry (DDOE) request fulfillment process to initiate circuit activation (see the DDOE website for additional guidance).

Connection Process Elements

NOTE: This diagram does not attempt to represent the request fulfillment process for all DoD connections.