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Kenneth Murphy

Kenneth D. Murphy

Kenneth D. Murphy was appointed Regional Administrator for Region X for the Department of Homeland Security’s Federal Emergency Management Agency June 29, 2010. Murphy is responsible for developing, administering and coordinating FEMA’s mitigation, preparedness, response and recovery programs for the States of Alaska, Idaho, Oregon and Washington, as well as for the 271 federally recognized Indian Tribes and Alaska Native Villages within the region.

As Regional Administrator, Murphy has played a vital role in FEMA’s drive to raise public awareness about regional disaster risks and the importance of disaster preparedness for individuals and families. He also has led FEMA efforts to test, evaluate and improve coordinated life-saving and life-sustaining response operations in the aftermath of catastrophic disasters through major multijurisdictional exercises such as 2012’s Evergreen Quake, 2014’s Alaska Shield and 2016’s Cascadia Rising.

Under Murphy’s leadership, Region X has coordinated federal support to FEMA’s state, local and tribal partners, as well as the communities they serve, under more than 25 Presidential disaster declarations for events such as wildfires, floods, severe winter storms and the devastating March 2014 mudslide in Oso, Washington.   

Prior to joining FEMA, Murphy served with Oregon Emergency Management from 1999 to 2010.  As the agency's Director, Murphy was responsible for coordinating emergency management activities with state and local emergency services agencies and all governmental agencies.  He also served on the Oregon Homeland Security Council, Oregon's State Interoperability Executive Council, the Governor's Search and Rescue Policy Commission, and the Governor's Recovery Cabinet, in addition to his appointment to FEMA's National Advisory Council.  Murphy oversaw the response and recovery for seven Presidential and eight Gubernatorial disasters declarations in Oregon.

Murphy spent nearly three decades as a member of the Oregon Army National Guard, in traditional and active duty roles before his retirement in 1999.  During that time, he served as Director of Military Support to Civilian Authorities, where he was responsible for the Guard's coordination and response to emergencies.  He also was Chief of the U.S. Army's European Crisis Action Team in Heidelberg, Germany, where he managed and coordinated military emergency response throughout Europe. Murphy held numerous command and staff level positions during his military career.

Murphy is a past President of the National Emergency Management Association.  He is a graduate of Concordia University with a bachelor’s degree in management and communications, the U.S. Army Command and General Staff College and the Naval Post Graduate School Executive Leadership Program.

Last Updated: 
05/16/2016 - 16:07