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Open-File Report 95–257

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Seismic Sources and Recurrence Rates as Adopted by USGS Staff for the Production of the 1982 and 1990 Probabilistic Ground Motion Maps for Alaska and the Conterminous United States

By Stanley L. Hanson and David M. Perkins

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The construction of a probabilistic ground-motion hazard map for a region follows a sequence of analyses beginning with the selection of an earthquake catalog and ending with the mapping of calculated probabilistic ground-motion values (Hanson and others, 1992). An integral part of this process is the creation of sources used for the calculation of earthquake recurrence rates and ground motions. These sources consist of areas and lines that are representative of geologic or tectonic features and faults.

After the design of the sources, it is necessary to arrange the coordinate points in a particular order compatible with the input format for...>>MORE

Version 1.0

Posted April 2006

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