
Legal researchers may find the following resources useful:

  • CiteNet: the Classified Index of NLRB Board Decisions and Related Court Decisions.
  • ECIS: Please note - ECIS is no longer being updated. Please see Case Search to locate cases.
  • General Counsel Memos: General Counsel memoranda are issued to field offices and/or Washington offices by the General Counsel to provide policy guidance.
  • Operations-Management Memos: Operations-Management memoranda are issued to the field offices from the Division of Operations-Management of the General Counsel’s Office in Washington to give direction in case handling matters.
  • Weekly Summary of Decisions: a digest of decisions issued by the Board the previous week, with a short description of the nature and facts of the case and a link to the decision. Also listed are case names and links to decisions by NLRB Administrative Law Judges, and to decisions by Appellate Courts involving NLRB cases.
  • Open Gov page: See our Open Gov page for links to data available on