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Eurosurveillance Quartely Q4 2011

In this issue:
The editorial team acknowledges and thanks all the experts who dedicated their time to peer-review our articles over the past 12 months.

Eurosurveillance, Volume 17, Issue 1, 05 January 2012

Table of Contents


A note from the editors: 2011 in numbers and developments foreseen for 2012
Rapid communications

Three probable cases of cutaneous anthrax in autonomous province of Vojvodina, Serbia, June 2011

Call for applications for EPIET fellows

Eurosurveillance reviewers in 2011
In the national epidemiological bulletins - a selection from current issues
New issue of EpiSouth Quarterly Electronic Bulletin is online
Author’s correction for Euro Surveill. 2011;16(50)

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