Stars and Stripes photo of the day

Photo of the day
From the Stripes archives
August 6, 2005

Stewart Granger
Gene Bane �Stars and Stripes

Frankfurt, Germany, April 12, 1955: British film star Stewart Granger does some shopping during a brief stop at the Rhein-Main airport. Granger was on his way back to London from Pakistan, where he completed location shots for his latest film, Bhowani Junction, which also starred Ava Gardner.
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Click here for Stewart Granger's Wikipedia biography.

Past photos of the day

August, 2005
August 5, 2005: Football great Benny Friedman conducts a clinic in Germany, 1951
August 4, 2005: U.S. High Commissioner for Germany James B. Conant, 1953
August 3, 2005: Glenn Close as a 19-year-old Up with People cast member, 1966
August 2, 2005: Human-sexuality researcher Dr. Alfred Kinsey in Germany, 1955
August 1, 2005: Americal Division base camp in South Vietnam gets supplies, 1968

July, 2005
July 31, 2005: Gen. and Mrs. Curtis LeMay arrive in Belgium, 1958
July 30, 2005: Guards around Presidfent Reagan's limousine in Bonn, 1982
July 29, 2005: War hero Audie Murphy makes a movie in Germany, 1960
July 28, 2005: Author Thornton Wilder arrives in Frankfurt, 1957
July 27, 2005: Robert Kennedy meets with Indonesian President Sukarno, 1964
July 26, 2005: Memorial service for slain Israeli athletes at the Olympics, 1972
July 25, 2005: Secretary of Defense Dick Cheney in Germany, 1989
July 24, 2005: Illumination rounds fill the sky at Landing Zone Ross in Vietnam, 1968
July 23, 2005: Celebrating the Bicentennial at Yongsan Garrison, 1976
July 22, 2005: Jerry Lewis and Dean Martin onstage in France, 1953
July 21, 2005: Rock and roll legend Bill Haley in Frankfurt, 1965
July 20, 2005: Gen. William Westmoreland at a press conference in Saigon, 1968
July 19, 2005: Chuck Yeager with grandchildren at Kaiserslautern graduation, 1988
July 18, 2005: Gen. Dwight D. Eisenhower visits U.S. troops in Munich, 1951
July 17, 2005: Archbishop Makarios arrives in Athens, 1957
July 16, 2005: Egg truck overturns on the autobahn, 1954
July 15, 2005: Harry Belafonte performs in Frankfurt, 1988
July 14, 2005: U.S. soldiers raid enemy camp during Operation Junction City, 1967
July 13, 2005: Explorer Thor Heyerdahl checks artifacts through customs, 1957
July 12, 2005: American students welcome President Kennedy to Vienna, 1961
July 11, 2005: Shrink-wrapped CH-47 helicopters readied for stateside shipment, 1988
July 10, 2005: Speakers' Corner at London's Hyde Park, 1964
July 9, 2005: Sen. Margaret Chase Smith arrives for a tour of USAFE bases, 1957
July 8, 2005: Escapees from East Germany meet Johnny Cash, 1972
July 7, 2005: Sightseeing American airmen line up near the Berlin Wall, 1961
July 6, 2005: Soldiers at a convalescent center in South Vietnam, 1969
July 5, 2005: Civil-rights leader Rev. Ralph Abernathy at Camp Zama, 1982
July 4, 2005: The Andrews Sisters, 1961
July 3, 2005: Aerial view of Gen. Anthony C. McAuliffe's farewell ceremony, 1956
July 2, 2005: Singer Luther Vandross onstage, 1993
July 1, 2005: Comedian Redd Foxx in Germany, 1976

(Click here for Photos of the Day from June, 2003, through June, 2005.)
(Click here to browse the galleries of Stripes photos available for purchase.)
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