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Outreach Products

The ESDIS Outreach team provides a suite of outreach products  ranging from printed materials to data animation multimedia products for a variety of audiences.  Outreach products provide the end user with valuable information  regarding how to find, access and use NASA EOSDIS data holdings.

Printed Material

Earth System Science Data Resources

This publication provides an overview of NASA Earth Observing System Data and Information System data centers, describes common data formats and processing levels, provides overviews of NASA’s Earth system science passive and active sensors, and organizes information about relevant data sets by Earth science discipline. Data discovery, data access, data manipulation (e.g. conversion, subsetting, visualization) tools are organized by functionality/feature. This publication provides information about how to find, access and use the wide variety of NASA EOSDIS and other Earth science data holdings

Discipline Data Set Reference Sheets

Suite of six Earth science discipline data set reference sheets organized by  parameter/measurement (e.g. sea surface temperature), available data sets and the correspondending data centers. The sheets are Atmosphere, Calibrated Radiance and Solar Radiance, Cryosphere, Human Dimensions, Land and Ocean. Each of these discipline data set "cheat sheets" provides data center contact information along with a listing of many data sets frequently used to measure the listed parameters. This publication is updated annuallly.

Data Set/Tool  Fact Sheets

HDF Tools for EOSDIS (Supported by the HDF Group)


Accessing and Visualizing HDF-EOS Data (HDF Group)

The data images presented in EOSDIS materials are available for your use. If you publish or distribute the images, please provide the appropriate credit. To obtain credit information for an image, consult the online version of the publication, and/or guide document(coming soon!) accompanying discipline specific posters, in which the image appears.

Please comply with NASA's reproduction guidelines governing the use of NASA images in educational and informational materials and in commercial products.

Please contact with any questions.