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Cloud Properties

Physical PropertiesData CenterSelected Data Sets and Data Collections
Complete data set listings available through each individual data center.
Cloud Properties
Amount, optical
properties, height
  • MODIS/Terra Clouds 5-Min L2 Swath 1 km and 5 km, through Giovanni tool
  • MODIS/Terra Cloud Mask and Spectral Test Results 5-Min L2 Swath 250 m and 1 km, through Giovanni tool
  • MODIS/Terra Aerosol Cloud Water Vapor Ozone Daily, 8-Day, and Monthly L3 Global 1Deg CMG Products, through Giovanni tool
  • AIRS/Aqua Level 2 Products
  • AIRS/Aqua Level 3 Daily, Multiday, and Monthly Physical Retrieval Products
  • OMI/Aura Level 2 Daily Cloud Fraction and Pressure at Instrument Resolution (13 x 24 km at Nadir)
  • Modern Era Retrospective-analysis for Research and Applications (MERRA)
  • TCSP Cloud Radar System (CRS)
  • NAMMA Data Sets [e.g., NAMMA Cloud Microphysics (CAPS-PIP), NAMMA CVI Cloud Condensed Water Content]
  • CAMEX-4 Data Sets [e.g., CAMEX-4 Cloud Microphysics, CAMEX-4 CVI Cloud Condensed Water Content, CAMEX-4 NOAA WP-3D Cloud Physics]
  • MISR Level 2 TOA/Cloud Stereo, Level 2 TOA/Cloud Albedo, Level 2 TOA/Cloud Classifier Parameters, and Level 3 Component Global Cloud and Level 3 Cloud Motion Vector (daily, monthly, quarterly, and yearly), and Level 3 Cloud Fraction by Attitude (monthly, quarterly, and yearly) Products
  • CERES Clouds and Radiative Swath (CRS), Monthly Gridded Single Satellite Fluxes and Clouds (FSW), Monthly Gridded TOA/Surface Fluxes and Clouds (SFC), Monthly TOA/Surface Averages (SRBAVG), Single Scanner Footprint TOA/Surface Fluxes and Clouds (SSF), AVG, ZAVG, and SYN Products [from TRMM, Terra, Aqua]
  • International Satellite Cloud Climatology Project (ISCCP) DX, D1, and D2 data products
  • SAGE III L2 Monthly Cloud Presence Data
  • SSE data set
  • CALIPSO Lidar Level 2 cloud layer data (1/3 km, 1 km, and 5 km) and cloud profile data (5 km); and Lidar Level 2 Vertical Feature Mask data
  • CERES ISCCP-D2like data
  • CERES SSF TOA/Surface Fluxes and Clouds, and MISR Ellipsoid and Terrain Radiances data
  • CERES-NEWS (NASA Energy Water cycle Study) CCCM (CERES-MODIS-CALIPSO-CloudSat) data set
  • CALIPSO Infrared Imaging Radiometer Level 2 swath and Level 2 track data



  • AMSR-E/Aqua Daily, Weekly, and Monthly L3 Global Ascending/Descending .25 x .25 deg Ocean Grids
  • AMSR-E/Aqua L2B Global Swath Ocean Products derived from Wentz Algorithm
  • AVHRR Polar Pathfinder Twice-Daily 5 km, and 25 km EASE-Grid Composites
  • Comprehensive Ocean - Atmosphere Data Set (COADS) LMRF Arctic Subset
  • Daily Arctic Ocean Rawinsonde Data from Soviet Drifting Ice Stations
  • GLAS/ICESat L2 Global Cloud Heights for Multi-Layer Clouds
  • GLAS/ICESat L2 Global Thin Cloud/Aerosol Optical Depths Data
  • GLAS/ICESat L2 Global Aerosol Vertical Structure Data
  • GLAS/ICESat L1B Global Backscatter Data


  • MOD06_L2 - MODIS/Terra and MODIS Aqua Level 2 Cloud Product
  • MOD35_L2 - MODIS/Terra and MODIS Aqua Level 2 Cloud Mask and Spectral Test Results
  • MOD08_D3, MOD08_E3, MOD08_M3 - MODIS/Terra and MODIS Aqua Level 3 Daily, 8-day, and Monthly Joint Aerosol/Water vapor/Cloud Products