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Phytoplankton & Dissolved Organic Matter

Physical PropertiesData CenterSelected Data Sets and Data Collections
Complete data set listings available through each individual data center.
Phytoplankton & Dissolved
Organic Matter
  • Ocean Color Radiometry Visualization and Analysis, through Giovanni tool
OceanColor Web
  • MODIS/Aqua Level-2 Standard Ocean Color Product [normalized water-leaving radiances at 6 visible wavelengths, chlorophyll-a concentration, diffuse attenuation coefficient plus parameters related to aerosol corrections]
  • SeaWiFS Level-2 Standard Ocean Color Product [remote-sensing reflectances, particulate inorganic carbon (PIC), particulate organic carbon (POC)]
  • OCTS Level-2 Standard Ocean Color Product [same geophysical parameter set]
  • CZCS Level-2 Standard Ocean Color Product [same geophysical parameter set, with 4 visible wavelengths]
  • MODIS/Aqua, SeaWiFS, OCTS, and CZCS Level-3 Binned Ocean Color Products [All Level-2 parameters in daily, 8-day, monthly, monthly climatology, seasonal, and yearly products, plus seasonal climatology for MODIS/Aqua]
  • MODIS/Aqua, SeaWiFS, OCTS, and CZCS Level-3 Standard Mapped Image Ocean Color Products [Chlorophyll-a, the normalized water-leaving radiance closest to 550 nm for each instrument, diffuse attenuation coefficient (except for CZCS), aerosol optical depth, and angstrom coefficient, separately available for all temporal resolutions corresponding to the Level-3 Binned Products, plus 32-day rolling products for MODIS/Aqua and SeaWiFS
  • MODIS/Terra Level-3 Ocean Color Products [A limited set starting from January 2007 of Level-3 Binned and Mapped Image Products]
  • SeaWiFS Level-3 PAR Binned and Mapped Image Products [Photosynthetically Active Radiation reaching the ocean surface, available in daily, 8-day, monthly, seasonal, and yearly files]
  • MODIS/Aqua Merged Chlorophyll (Combined MODIS-SeaWiFS data daily, 8-day, monthly, seasonal, and yearly products, plus a rolling 32-day composite)