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System Installation

1. Where can I find the EQR Database software?
The software and installation instructions are available at http://eforms1.ferc.gov/eqr

2. How do I use the EQR software to file for more than one respondent?
To file for more than one Respondent, you need to download the additional company name.

  • Click on the Select Options/Data Download Button immediately after opening the application (on the bottom right had corner of the initial screen).
  • Click the Retrieve Company Listing button. The list of companies box should now be populated. Select the company.
  • Click Begin Download
  • Click Finished

3. When testing my EQR data and upload, should I use my company name, or the test company provided?
There is no harm in using your own company while experimenting with the EQR System. Each time you import (not append) data, it overwrites the previous data. Be aware that it will cause your system generated IDs to get larger (this is not a problem for us) and you will not be able to test the upload feature (because if you do, it will actually submit your data). If you want to test right up to and through the upload process:

  • Select Test Company A from the bottom of the company download list and download the data. If there is data in it, you will overwrite it. o If importing the Filer ID data, change the Respondent (FR1) to "Test Company A." There is no need to change the Sellers or Agent.
  • If Filer ID data is manually entered in Test Company A, make sure that your Sellers are spelled exactly the way you have them on your contracts and transactions CSV files.
  • Import the Contract and Transaction data.
  • Submit filing to FERC.
  • The PIN code for Test Company A is 11111111.

4. I am having download problems. On the EQR screen, I get the dropdown of Company Names and can click on my company name. But when I start to download I get an Error message that there has been an error in the download process. What is the problem?
This sounds like a problem with Internet access at your site. It appears that you are not getting the data downloaded to your computer. When you click the "Begin Download" button in the data download screen, if there is a delay and then an eventual message replies "There has been an error in the download process," then something at your site is preventing the data request to FERC. Try adjusting the Internet Setup options. The steps are:

  • Run the program
  • At the data download screen, click the "Internet Setup Options" button
  • You will get a screen with several boxes (fields)
  • About halfway down the screen you will see an area labeled "FTP Settings...."
  • You should see a check box labeled "Force to normal (non-passive) FTP only"
  • Make sure there is a check mark in that box - leave everything else as is
  • Click "Close"
  • Now, you should be back on the data download screen
  • Click "Retrieve Company Listing"
  • Click on your company
  • Click "Begin Download"

If you get the same error again, it probably means your IT department has disabled the FTP protocol (which is a way to transfer files across the Internet). Contact your IT department. That protocol will need to be enabled for you to use the system. If they wish, they can only enable FTP with FERC. The FERC IP address is FERC does not 'push' data (FTP PUT) to your computer. EQR application updates are only initiated by your computer to retrieve (FTP GET) files from FERC.

5. I'm able to download the EQR application. However when I attempt to open it I receive a macro alert. What can I do?
You need to disable your system's virus protection during download and installation.

6. I can't change my settings to enable downloading. What is the problem?
It appears that the 'FTP' part of the system is being prohibited at your site. You may have entered values in the FTP Settings part of the communications options (e.g. the Remotehost, etc).

To correct this:

  • Clear out all values in the FTP Settings (no remotehost, remoteport, user name/id, etc). Then, make sure the "Force to normal ..." option is checked (turned on). The port number can be left blank (it will default to 21 if nothing is filled in). The use of FTP RemoteHost, RemotePort, etc, usually has to be customized to each site. And it really only applies to FTP proxy systems (which is NOT the same thing as an Internet Proxy System). So far, we have not experienced 2 FTP proxy systems that are alike (in the past 4 years with hundreds of companies filing various FERC data collections - FTP proxies are rarely used anyway).
  • Check to make sure FTP is enabled through your Firewall. Also check to see if a specific port is used instead of the standard port 21.
  • If the above does not work (or if FTP is completely blocked at your site), you may need to allow FTP 'pass-through' for the FERC-specific address site (the IP address). Note that all traffic to/from that address will be FTP 'GETS' - that is, FTP operations will be started from your computer. FERC does not 'push' data (FTP PUT) to your computer. EQR application updates are only initiated by your computer to retrieve (FTP GET) files from FERC.

7. I successfully installed the EQR Program on one PC, but after installing it on another PC, the following error appeared: A Program Error Occurred. What is the problem?
You are trying to use the database on a network drive. The message could result if you are using mapped drives that are using different mappings (i.e. one uses G and another uses H). You should either use the same mapping letter or map directly to the server.

EQR (FERC-516)
Email: eqr@ferc.gov
Astrid Rapp

System Issues:
FERC Online Support
Email: ferconlinesupport@ferc.gov

Telephone Numbers
Questions and Answers

Updated: November 7, 2012