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U.S. Department of the Interior - Office of Insular Affairs
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OIA Staff & Divisions

  • Eileen Sobeck
    Acting Deputy Assistant Secretary for Insular Areas

  • Wendy Fink
    Director of Policy and Counsel to the Assistant Secretary

Office of Insular Affairs Main Telephone Line: (202) 208-4736

Policy & Liaison Division

The Policy & Liaison Division serves several functions as identified below:

  • Serves as OIA's liaison to the Congress, the four territorial and three freely associated state governments, other Federal agencies, the media and the public.

  • Oversees (a) the Compact of Free Association trust funds for the Marshall Islands and the Federated States of Micronesia and (b) annual budgets for two Marshall Islands atoll governments (Bikini and Rongelap).

  • Advances the rehabilitation of four Marshall Islands atolls (Bikini, Enewetak, Rongelap and Utrik) and the resettlement of the peoples of the four atolls.

  • Carries out the Secretary's responsibilities as the civil administrator of the Palmyra Atoll Excluded Areas and, as appropriate, the residual civil administrator of Wake Atoll.

  • Maintains a field office in American Samoa and two field offices in the Northern Mariana Islands.

  • Staff

    • Joseph McDermott, Deputy DirectorMarshall Islands, Trust Funds
    • James ArnoldAdministrative Affairs
    • Krystina Borja - American Samoa
    • Jennifer Feng - U.S. Virgin Islands
    • Tanya Harris Joshua - FAS & IGIA
    • Karen Koltes - Coral Reef
    • Joseph McDermott - Marshall Islands, Trust Funds
    • Wali Osman - Economist
    • Stephen Sander - Legislative Affairs
    • Francisco Taitano - Commonwealth of the Northern Mariana Islands
    • Angela Williams - Guam, Energy, Economic Development
    • Rebecca Zepeda – Media and Communications

Office of Insular Affairs - Policy & Liaison Division
U.S. Department of the Interior
1849 C Street, NW
Washington, DC 20240
Phone: (202) 208-6816
FAX: (202) 219-1989

Budget Division

Division budgets and accounts for OIA office expenditures and island grants. This division also maintains management for specially appropriated grant programs. 

  • Keith Augenbaugh - CIP and Compact Impact for Guam and the CNMI
  • Mark BrownCompact Impact, CIP, Water and Wastewater grants in American Samoa and the U.S. Virgin Islands
  • Yvonne Carswell - Administrative Officer
  • Jonathan DunnBudget Issues
  • Annette StewartGrant Obligations and Payments, Budget
  • Marina TinitaliAudits and Accountability
  • Field Offices in Hawaii, FSM, and Palau report to Budget Division Director

Budget Division Office
Office of Insular Affairs
U.S. Department of the Interior
1849 C Street, NW
Washington, DC 20240
Phone: (202) 208-6971
FAX: (202) 208-7585

Technical Assistance Division

The Division of Technical Assistance provides discretionary technical assistance funding to the insular governments, institutions and private firms which fall under OIA jurisdiction.

  • Mary Baltimore - Program Analyst/Grants Manager
  • Cheryl Jodoin - MAP Grants Manager
  • Faride Kraft - Deputy Director
  • Hailey McCoy - Program Assistant
  • Merriam Porter - Program Analyst/Grants Manager

Technical Assistance Division Office
Office of Insular Affairs
U.S. Department of the Interior
1849 C Street, NW
Washington, DC 20240
Phone: (202) 208-4707
FAX: (202) 208-7585

OIA's Honolulu Field Office

This office manages Compact II requirements for finance, performance standards and sector grants for the Federated States of Micronesia and Republic of the Marshall Islands.

  • Stephen Savage Field Office Manager - Infrastructure, Compact Grants
  • Ryan Edgar - Education Sector Grants Manager/SEG
  • Gerald Shea - Public Sector Capacity Building Grants Manager
  • Kristen Oleyte - Detailed to USPACOM

Office of Insular Affairs – Honolulu Office
733 Bishop Street, Suite 2530
Honolulu, Hawaii 96817
Phone (808) 525-5088
Fax (808) 525-5399

OIA Field Representatives

  • American Samoa - Lydia Faleafine-Nomura - (684) 633-2800
  • Marshall Islands - Al Fowler - (692) 247-4011
  • U.S. Virgin Islands - Basil C. Ottley, Jr. - (202) 320-5021

Federal Ombudsman's Office

The Federal Ombudsman's Office provides assistance to the Commonwealth of the Northern Mariana Islands' 30,000 plus nonresident workers with labor and immigration complaints. The Federal Ombudsman's Office has a staff of professional caseworker/interpreters who speak Mandarin, Taiwanese, Tagalog, Bengali, Hindu, Urdu and Sinhalese.

  • Pam Brown - Federal Ombudsman, Northern Mariana Islands
  • Hsiao-Fen "Sophie" Chin - Case Worker/Interpreter
  • Shao Yu "Mei" Liu - Administrative Assistant/Case Worker/Interpreter
  • Mohammed "Ripon" Ahmed - Case Worker/Interpreter
  • Glen A. Buultjens - Case Worker/Interpreter
  • Cripulo B. Hilario - Case Worker/Interpreter

Federal Ombudsman's Office
U.S. Department of Interior
Office of Insular Affairs
Suite 203
Marina Heights II
P.O. Box 502452
Saipan  MP 96950
Telephone: (670) 322-8030
Fax: (670) 322-8040