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Center for Faith-Based & Neighborhood Partnerships

Center for Faith-based and Neighborhood Partnerships

About Us

Director — Rev. Phil Tom

Phil Tom is Director of the Center for Faith-based and Neighborhood Partnerships at the Department of Labor. Prior to joining the Department, Mr. Tom served the Presbyterian Church (USA) national office in Louisville, Kentucky for 13 years working nationally with urban, rural, and small churches and their communities. He also worked in partnership with faith-based and community-based housing and economic development, worker justice, and community organizations. Prior to his work with the PC-USA, Mr. Tom served 23 years as pastor for urban congregations in Chicago, St. Paul, MN and Indianapolis, IN. Mr. Tom holds a Bachelor of Arts degree in Economics from Coe College, a Master of Arts in Community Development from the University of Chicago's School of Social Service Administration, and a Master of Divinity from McCormick Theological Seminary.

Deputy Director — Ben Seigel

Ben Seigel is Deputy Director of the Center for Faith-based and Neighborhood Partnerships at the Department of Labor. Mr. Seigel's background is in program development and nonprofit management. From 2002 to 2010 he worked for Seedco, a national nonprofit intermediary that creates economic opportunities for low-wage workers by implementing workforce development, asset building, and community development programs in partnership with faith-based and community organizations. While at Seedco, he rose from Program Associate for Workforce Development to Senior Vice President for External Affairs. Mr. Seigel holds a Bachelor of Arts degree in Political Science from Swarthmore College and a Master of Public Administration from the Robert F. Wagner School at New York University.