U.S. Senator Chris Coons of Delaware

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Video: In PSA, Chris encourages businesses to hire veterans

Chris unveiled a new public service announcement today, Veterans Day, on behalf of Delaware Employer Support of the Guard and Reserve, which helps local businesses connect with and hire reservists and members of the National Guard.

"Members of the National Guard and Reserve bring a strong work ethic, leadership and specialized skills to the civilian workplace,” said Christine Kubik, Executive Director of Delaware Employer Support of the Guard and Reserve. “Delaware ESGR stands ready to link service members with employers and career opportunities.  Hiring veterans is a smart way employers can show thanks.  Any Delaware employer interested in tapping into the talented pool of men and women in the Guard and Reserve should call our offices at (302) 326-7582 or email christine.kubik@us.army.mil."

The PSA is available at 30 seconds and 15 seconds, in video and audio, and can be downloaded here.

National Guard