Research and Evaluation

Looking for research on a specific topic? Use this keyword search box to identify studies of interest.

Investing in proven solutions is a key theme of the Opening Doors. Significant research has been and is being conducted on homelessness across the federal government and throughout the country. There is tremendous opportunity to better understand and apply what is being learned by coordinating and sharing research across federal agencies and with states and local communities.

Towards that end, USICH released the nation's first-ever National Research Agenda: Priorities for Advancing Our Understanding of Homelessness in October 2012. This Agenda outlines priority areas where we believe Federal, local, and private investments should be made in additional research. 

Go to National Research Agenda

USICH has compiled and developed abstracts for approximately 200 studies conducted over the past decade; research that helped inform the Research Agenda and that contines to help improve the knowledge base of the field. Users can browse through the listings below or sort the information using the “Information by” filter along the left-hand side of the screen.  Users can also search by keyword using the search box in the top right corner of every page.

Browse by category:

Access to Justice

Accessing Mainstream Benefits

Affordable and Supportive Housing

Collaboration, Capacity and Planning

Homeless Crisis Response

Improving Health, Well Being and Stability

Pathways to Employment

Studies on Cost Effectiveness

Studies on Incidence, Prevalence, and Risk Factors