Affordable and Supportive Housing Research

Impact of a Housing First Program on Health Utilization Outcomes Among Chronically Homeless Persons

Malini B. DeSilva, Julie Manworren and Paul Targonski
September 2011

The authors examined the impact of a Housing First program on the use of specific health services, detoxification services, and criminal activity of long-term homeless individuals...

Worst Case Housing Needs 2009: A Report to Congress

Barry L. Steffen, Keith Fudge, Marge Martin, Maria Teresa Souza, David A. Vandenbroucke, Yung-Gann David Yao
February 2011

The U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development’s Worst Case Housing Needs 2009: Report to Congress examines the causes of and trends in worst case needs for affordable rental housing.  HUD finds dramatic increases in worst case housing needs that cut ...

Housing Choice Voucher Marketing Opportunity Index: Analysis of Data

Kirk McClure
Feburary 2011

Housing Choice Voucher Marketing Opportunity Index: Analysis of Data at the Tract and Block Group Level. Among the goals of housing mobility programs is the deconcentration of poverty. Deconcentration is valuable in that it can reduce the high concentrations of poverty that create distress within the affected neighborhoods. As households are moved from areas of ...

Public Opinion and Affordable Housing: A Review of the Literature

J. Rosie Tigue
August 2010

Public support for planning programs and initiatives are an important component of its success but opposition can be a powerful impediment. When siting unwanted land uses such as affordable housing, neighborhood opposition can be a particularly effective barrier. Understanding the factors that influence opposition is a necessary precursor to successful planning ...

Housing Patterns of Low Income Families With Children

Daniel Gubits, Jill Khadduri and Jennifer Turnham
September 2009

Housing Patterns of Low Income Families With Children: Further Analysis of Data From the Study of the Effects of Housing Vouchers on Welfare Families. The Housing Choice Voucher Program is the largest federal housing assistance program for low income families, currently serving about 2 million households at an annual cost of ...

Addressing Homelessness among people with Mental Illness: A Model of Long-Term Philanthropic Effectiveness

Ruth Tebbets Brousseau
May 2009

Foundations are often criticized for their short attention spans and inability to continue funding the toughest social problems. Homelessness among people with mental illnesses is considered among the most intractable of social issues...

Does One Size Fit All? What We Can and Can't Learn from a Meta-Analysis of Housing Models for Persons with Mental Illness

H. Stephen Leff, Clifton M. Chow, Renee Pepin, Jeremy Conley, I. Elaine Allen and Christopher A. Seaman
April 2009

Numerous studies have evaluated the impacts of community housing models on outcomes of persons with severe mental illness. The authors conducted a meta-analysis of 44 unique housing alternatives described in 30 studies, which they categorized as residential care and treatment, residential continuum, permanent supported housing, and non-model housing...

A Cost Analysis of San Diego's REACH Program for Homeless Persons

Todd P. Gilmer, Ph.D., Willard G. Manning, Ph.D. and Susan L. Ettner, Ph.D.
April 2009

This study examined mental health service utilization and costs associated with the California Assembly Bill 2034 housing-first program for homeless persons in San Diego County: Reaching Out and Engaging to Achieve Consumer Health (REACH). Encounter data were used to identify REACH clients...

Minnesota: Supportive Housing Improves Lives of Formerly Homeless Individuals and Families

National Center on Family Homelessness for Hearth Connection
March 2009

An evaluation of the Minnesota Supportive Housing and Managed Care Pilot found that supportive housing significantly improved residential stability and decreased mental health symptoms and alcohol and drug use. The program engaged participants with highly complex needs, averaging five years of homelessness prior to ...

The Impact of Supportive Housing on Surrounding Neighborhoods: Evidence from New York City

Furman Center for Real Estate and Urban Policy , New York University
November 2008

While studies have shown that supportive housing plays a critical role in helping to address homelessness, little research has focused on the impact of supportive housing on the neighborhood.  Residents often resist proposed supportive housing developments in their community, expressing fears that the ...

Final Report: A Comprehensive Evaluation of the Sound Families Initiative

Jami Bodonyi, Laura Orlando, Briana Yancey, Renee Lamberjack, and Oma McClaughlin
September 2008

Launched in 2000, Sound Families was a multiyear, $40 million investment by the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation to triple the number of service-enriched housing units for homeless families in Pierce, King, and Snohomish counties in the state of Washington. Over the life of the initiative, ...

Leveraging Medicaid: A Guide to Using Medicaid Financing in Supportive Housing

Corporation for Supportive Housing and Technical Assistance Collaborative
July 2008

Medicaid plays a critical role in financing services and supports for many people who need permanent supportive housing. However, because of the complexity of the Medicaid program, supportive housing providers and local and state government agencies are not always able to access these resources systematically...

Permanent Housing For Homeless Families: A Review of Opportunities and Impediments

Jill Khadduri and Bulbul Kaul
Fall 2007

This report focuses on the role of federally funded rental housing subsidies in helping parents who have become homeless achieve permanent housing. There is strong evidence that families who receive housing assistance are more likely to remain stably housed than those without such assistance (Rog et al., 2005). This is not surprising, given that most ...

Impact of Supported Housing on Clinical Outcomes

An-Lin Cheng, Haiqun Lin, Wesley Kasprow,  Robert A. Rosenheck
January 2007

In 1992, the US Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) and the US Department of Veterans Affairs (VA) established the HUD-VA Supported Housing (HUD-VASH) Program to provide integrated clinical and housing services to homeless veterans with psychiatric and/or substance abuse disorders at 19 sites. At ...

Effects of Housing Choice Vouchers on Welfare Families

Gregory Mills, Daniel Gubits, Larry Orr, David Long, Judie Feins, Bulbul Kaul, and Michelle Wood
September 2006

This report presents the final analysis of a study conducted over several years to measure the impacts of Housing Choice Vouchers on the housing mobility of low-income families, the characteristics of their neighborhoods, the composition of their households, their employment, ...

Tenant Outcomes in Supported Housing and Community Residences in New York

Carole E. Siegel, Judith Samuels, Dei-In Tang, Ilyssa Berg, Kristine Jones and Kim Hopper
July 2006

This study examines whether outcomes in housing, clinical status, and well-being of persons with severe mental illness and a history of homelessness differ between those in supported housing and those in community residences, two housing arrangements that substantially differ in the level of ...

Evaluation of the Sound Families Initiative, Early Exits: Lessons Learned from Families Asked to Leave Transitional Housing Programs

Jami Bodonyi, Laura Orlando, Briana Yancey, and Renee Lamberjack
April 2006

In 2000, the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation launched a $40 million, eight-year commitment to address family homelessness in the Puget Sound area in Washington State with the goal of creating 1,500 new housing units, provided with services that increase family stability. The Sounds Family Initiative was launched ...

Predicting Staying In or Leaving Permanent Supportive Housing

Yin-Ling Irene Wong, Trevor R. Hadley, Dennis P. Culhane, Steve R. Poulin, Morris R. Davis, Brian A. Cirksey, and James L. Brown
March 2006

For a significant number of homeless individuals with disabilities, McKinney Act-funded permanent supportive housing is not experienced as permanent. These figures raise very important policy questions for the Department of Housing and Urban Development ...

Family Permanent Supportive Housing: Preliminary Research on Family Characteristics, Program Models, and Outcomes

Ellen L. Bassuk, Nicholas Huntington, Cheryl H. Amey, Kim Lampereur
February 2006

Homelessness in America is a tragic and persistent social problem. Since the early 1980’s, the face of homelessness has changed, with families forming an increasing portion of the overall homeless population. Estimates from the only nationally representative study to date (Burt et al., 1999) indicate ...

The Evidence on Supported Housing

Debra J. Rog
May 2006

This study reviews the evidence base for supported housing that was initially prepared for the Texas Department of Mental Health and Mental Retardation's initiative "Blazing New Trails: Texas Consensus on Psychosocial Rehabilitation Services".  In particular, the article describes the principles for guiding the implementation and delivery of supported housing ...

A Narrative Approach to the Evaluation of Supportive Housing Stories of Homeless People Who Have Experienced Serious Mental Illness

Geoffrey Nelson , Juanne Clarke, Angela Febbraro, and Maria Hatzipantelis
Fall 2005

In this study, researchers employ a narrative approach to the evaluation of supportive housing for formerly homeless people who have experienced serious mental illness. According to the accounts of 11 men and 9 women, their youth and adult years were filled with personal problems, troubled relationships, and ...

Taking Health Care Home: Baseline Report on PSH Tenants, Programs, Policies

Martha R. Burt
July 2005

In 2003, the Robert Wood Johnson Foundation awarded CSH $6 million over two years for the Taking Health Care Home Initiative (THCH).  CSH began working with states and localities through THCH to demonstrate how they can create supportive housing that ends homelessness for people with chronic health conditions including mental illness, alcohol and chemical ...

The Determinants of Homelessness and the Targeting of Housing Assistance

Dirk W. Early
January 2004

This study combines data from the Survey of Income and Program Participation with the National Survey of Homeless Assistance Providers and Clients to estimate a conditional probability model of homelessness. The results suggest which factors are important predictors of homelessness and argue that gender, age, and race of the household head are important ...

Moving to Opportunity and Tranquility: Neighborhood Effects on Adult Economic Self-Sufficiency and Health from a Randomized Housing Voucher Experiment

Jeffrey R. Kling

The Moving to Opportunity (MTO) demonstration is a randomized housing mobility experiment in which families living in high poverty U.S. public housing projects in five cities were given vouchers to help them move to private housing units in lower-poverty neighborhoods...

Final Report on the Closer to Home Initiative

Susan Barrow

This is the final report on the evaluation of the Closer to Home Initiative, a program developed by the Corporation for Supportive Housing and the Conrad N. Hilton Foundation to foster new approaches to helping homeless people with multiple problems and disabilities. The research focuses on six programs that aim to...

Costs and Utilization in the Housing Choice Voucher Program

Meryl Finkel, Jill Khadduri, Victoria Main, Linda Pistilli, Claudia Solari, Kristin Winkel, and Michelle Wood
July 2003

HUD, Congress, voucher program managers, researchers, and housing advocacy groups have focused on voucher utilization and the related issues of success rates and program costs for several years. Because underutilization of vouchers results in fewer families receiving ...

Outcomes of Homeless Adults with Mental Illness in Housing

Colleen Clark and Alexander R. Rich
January 2003

This study compares the effectiveness of two types of service programs in ameliorating homelessness among individuals with severe mental illness.  The first program was a comprehensive housing program, in which consumers received guaranteed access to housing, housing support services, and case management. The second was a program of case ...

Rebuilding Lives: the Impact of Supportive Housing

Kimberly Bayer, Maria T. Barker

This evaluation measured the progress of tenants living in supportive housing financed by Enterprise. All the developments included in this evaluation were located throughout New York City and Yonkers, and they all served populations with special needs, such as mentally ill, formerly homeless, elderly, substance abusers, and tenants living with HIV/AIDS. ...

Study on Section 8 Voucher Success Rates Vol 1. Quantitative Study of Success Rates in Metropolitan Areas

Meryl Finkel and Larry Buron
November 2001

The Section 8 tenant-based voucher program is the largest subsidized housing program in the United States.  Under the voucher program, participants must find and lease qualifying units in the private rental market within the time allowed by the program. The household’s rent is then subsidized by HUD. Not every family or individual that ...

Referral and Housing Processes in a Long-Term Supportive Housing Program for Homeless Veterans

Wesley J. Kasprow, Robert A. Rosenheck, Linda Frisman and Diane DiLella
August 2000

The study examined client characteristics, case management variables, and housing features associated with referral, entry, and short-term success in a Department of Veterans Affairs (VA) national intensive case management and rental assistance program for homeless veterans. Information collected from homeless veterans...