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Tutorials & Examples


Information about the available NASA EOSDIS data products, various types of data discovery, data access, and data tool demonstrations or tutorials. Formats include pdf documents, mpegs, YouTube style powerpoints and other informational documents.

Tutorials: Learn how to Discover, Access and Use NASA EOSDIS Data

Tutorial NameType of fileUser Support
How to use ReverbYouTube video

Learn to Search and Order Biogeochemical DataYouTube video

ORNL DAAC User Services

E-mail: ornldaac @

Accessing NASA Land Processes Data using Glovis Video

LP DAAC User Services

E-mail: lpdaac @

Getting Started with TerraViva - A web mapping tool for Socioeconomic and other climate dataYouTube video

SEDAC User Services

E-mail: @

GES DISC Data Recipes - "How-To" guides on how to use a service or toolsWeb site

GES DISC User Services

E-mail: gsfc-help-disc @

For assistance with any of these tutorials, please contact  and we will forward you to the appropriate data center user services office.


Information and examples of ways in which NASA EOSDIS data products are accessed, visualized and used for a variety of applications.

HDF EOS Tools and Information Center: Comprehensive Examples

Comprehensive examples on how to access and visualize various NASA HDF/HDF-EOS files using IDL ®, MATLAB® and NCL.

Brochure with examples on how to access and visualize various NASA HDF/HDF-EOS files.

For more information about the Data see:

Discovering Data

Data References

Data Tools

Data Centers