Marines Magazine

The Official Magazine of the United States Marine Corps

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Posts Tagged ‘Marine weapons’

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    Green Bullets

    According to Marine Corps Systems Command the Corps expends about 100 million 5.56 mm rifle cartridges in live-fire training each year. Taking an eco-friendly approach, the Corps is looking into a new round that does  [Read more...]

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    Big Things Come in SMAW Packages

    Fielded in 1984, the Mk. 153 Shoulder-launched Multi-purpose Assault Weapon (SMAW) was specifically developed with the Marine Corps in mind. It is fed by a sealed canister containing the missile, which is manually connected to  [Read more...]

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    CheyTac Intervention

    Gunnery Sgt. Carlos Hathcock is credited with killing an enemy soldier from a distance of 2,500 yards, the longest confirmed successful hit in the 20th century. The Intervention rifle, made by CheyTac LLC, may make  [Read more...]

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    FGM-148 Javelin

    Firing the FGM-148 Javelin may feel like playing a video game, but this anti-tank guided missile launcher is no toy. The missiles weigh 26 pounds, and the entire system often requires a two-man team to  [Read more...]