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Photos tagged with: Waste Box 80

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extraction well  nuclear facility  exhaust stack  chimney  aerial survey  cleanup  demolition preparations  200n arra  decommissioniong and demolition  manning  americium recovery facility  training  decommission  explosive  100k west reactor water treatment facilities  disposition  em  wahluke slope  owls  d area  portal installation  200w  container maintenance facility  innovations  mult-incremental sampling  272-e  fuel  mock-up  chemical storage silo  waste disposal  remote  lighting  d&d u plant  6652-t  walk down  apatite barrier  216-n-4  drilling  bay  waste & fuels  sedimentation basin  ha -28  canister storage buildling  k west  industrial facility  wfmp  200-mg-1  canister storage buildilng  gas rercirculation building  piping supports