November 8, 2011

Daily Housing News Round-up

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Hey Housing Fans! We hope all of you let your voices be heard by voting in today’s elections.   As your reward for honoring your civic duty, here are some of the day’s top housing stories… Getting recognized for going green! Making affordable housing more affordable. The housing model that is Hartford. Tribute to honor our [...]

October 18, 2011


HUD Region 10 Public Affairs It almost certainly was one of the very first bedtime stories you ever heard.  These three little pigs build a house of straw.  A big, bad and, frankly, pretty bent-out-of-shape wolf shows up, hungry and wanting inside.  “No, no, no!” squeal the three little piggies.  So, the big, bad wolf [...]

June 10, 2011

HUD, CLPHA Public Housing Energy Conference Is Back!

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HUD and the Council of Large Public Housing Authorities (CLPHA) are excited to announce the Going Green: Intelligent Investments for Public Housing Conference, has been rescheduled for July 13 – 14 at the Boston Park Plaza Hotel and Towers in Boston, Mass. Join me at the two-day gathering that will highlight how to make public [...]

April 4, 2011

Americans Prefer Sustainable Communities

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The National Association of Realtors (NAR) released a study today confirming what we at HUD have been hearing from people in communities around the country since this administration took office: Americans prefer sustainable communities. NAR’s study, the “Community Preference Survey” found that a clear majority of respondents prefer dense walkable areas over those that require [...]

January 28, 2011

Sustainable, Obtainable, Attainable

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Our guest blogger today is Stewart Sarkozy-Banoczy, Director, Philanthropic Research & Initiatives, Office for International and Philanthropic Innovation, Policy Development and Research As I pondered the early-entry winners in our Sustainable Urban Housing Competition and the many other efforts we come into contact with during our work, I was also remembering some of my experiences [...]
