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National Institute of Justice (NIJ): Research, Development, Evaluation

NIJ's Standing Scientific Review Panels

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About NIJ's Standing Scientific Review Panels

At the 2011 NIJ Conference, Director John Laub announced plans to strengthen NIJ's process for peer reviews of grant applications. During the fiscal year 2012 solicitation season, grant applications from 11 of 39 solicitations went to the new Standing Scientific Review Panels (SRPs). The remaining 28 solicitations were reviewed using NIJ's traditional panels. Based on preliminary assessments, NIJ has decided to use the new SRPs again in fiscal year 2013.

The SRPs are larger than the panels NIJ traditionally uses; thus, they provide greater quality and breadth to the review process. In fiscal year 2012, NIJ invited SRP members to serve for two years with an option to serve for a third. NIJ plans to add new members each year so panelists serve overlapping three-year terms. This approach maintains greater consistency from year to year. Additionally, a new scoring procedure used by the SRPs brings greater transparency to the peer review process.

Learn more about NIJ's traditional peer review panels and how to serve on them.

For additional information about how the SRPs will operate, see the presentation from the 2011 NIJ Conference.

Nominating Peer Reviewers

To be considered for NIJ's SRPs or other peer review panels, please register on NIJ's Consultant Information System Exit Notice.

Fiscal Year 2012 Members of the Standing Scientific Review Panels

  • Courtney Ahrens, California State University at Long Beach
  • Colin Aitken, University of Edinburgh
  • Jose Almirall, Florida International University
  • Tuere Anderson, Youth Radio
  • Joanne Archambault, EVAW International
  • Mark Bach, Fort McDowell Police Department
  • Lawrence Bench, Utah Department of Corrections
  • Brett Bishop, Washington State Patrol Crime Laboratory
  • Brian Bornstein, University of Nebraska-Lincoln
  • Aaron Brudenell, Arizona Department of Public Safety
  • Lisa Brush, University of Pittsburgh
  • Eric Buel, State of Vermont Forensic Laboratory (Ret.)
  • William Burrell, Management Consultant (Independent)
  • JoAnn Buscaglia, FBI Laboratory
  • Marc Buslik, Chicago Police Department
  • Timothy Cadigan, Administrative Office of the United States Courts
  • Jacquelyn Campbell, Johns Hopkins University
  • Rebecca Campbell, Michigan State University
  • Edward Carapezza, General Atomics
  • Thomas Casady, Lincoln (NE) Police Department
  • Carlos Cuevas, Northeastern University
  • Jan De Kinder, Nationaal Institut voor Criminalistiek en Criminologie (NICC)
  • Charles DiMaggio, Columbia University
  • Christopher Eckhardt, Purdue University
  • M. Jay Farr, Arlington County Police Department
  • Janette Flintoft, Los Angeles City Attorney’s Office
  • Mark Flomenbaum, Lincoln Forensics, LLC
  • Juley Fulcher, Break the Cycle
  • Robert Gaensslen, University of Illinois at Chicago
  • Phillip Gibson, U.S. Army Natick Soldier Research Development and Engineering Center
  • Janet Girten, Colorado Bureau of Investigation
  • Michael Gorn, Sarasota County Sheriff’s Office
  • Jon Gould, American University
  • David Hirschel, University of Massachusetts Lowell
  • Beth Huebner, University of Missouri-St. Louis
  • J. Nicholas Laneman, University of Notre Dame
  • Robert Langworthy, University of Central Florida
  • Edward Latessa, University of Cincinnati
  • Thomas LeBel, University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee
  • James Lord, Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives
  • Chris Maxwell, Michigan State University
  • Harlin McEwen, Public Safety Spectrum Trust
  • J. Thomas McEwen, Institute for Law and Justice
  • Elizabeth Miller, Children’s Hospital of Pittsburgh of UPMC
  • Andreas Olligschlaeger, Tru North Data Systems
  • Jerry Ratcliffe, Temple University
  • Maria Roberts, FBI Laboratory
  • Darrell Ross, Valdosta State University
  • Barry Ruback, The Pennsylvania State University
  • Christopher Saunders, South Dakota State University
  • Scott Shappell, Clemson University
  • David Slayton, Texas Office of Court Administration
  • Cindy Southworth, National Network to End Domestic Violence
  • Loretta Stalans, Loyola University Chicago
  • Warren Tewes, Office of the Chief Medical Examiner, State of Maryland; University of Maryland Dental School
  • Stephen Van Dine, Ohio Department of Rehabilitation and Correction
  • Ashbel Wall, Rhode Island Department of Corrections
  • Vincent Webb, Sam Houston State University

Fiscal Year 2012 Solicitations Reviewed by the Standing Scientific Review Panels

Office of Investigative and Forensic Sciences [1]

  • Basic Scientific Research to Support Forensic Science for Criminal Justice Purposes
  • Applied Research and Development in Forensic Science for Criminal Justice Purposes

Office of Science and Technology 

  • Evaluating the Impact of the NIJ Body Armor Program
  • The Impact of Different Safety Equipment Modalities on Reducing Correctional Officer Injuries
  • Determining the Relationship Between Stress and Unexplained In-Custody Deaths
  • Research on the Impact of Technology on Policing Strategies in the 21st Century

Office of Research and Evaluation

Violence Against Women

  • Research and Evaluation on Violence Against Women: Sexual Violence, Stalking, and Teen Dating Violence
  • Replication Research on Sexual Violence Case Attrition
  • Longitudinal Data on Teen Dating Violence: Postdoctoral Fellowship

Justice Systems

  • Research on Policing
  • Research and Evaluation in Justice Systems


[1] Only proposals that addressed pattern and impression evidence were evaluated using the SRP. All other proposals submitted under these solicitations were evaluated through the customary peer review process.

Date Modified: November 29, 2012