Head Start

An Office of the Administration for Children and Families Early Childhood Learning and Knowledge Center (ECLKC).

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Head Start: Building a Team for Our Future - Full Version

Join Channell Wilkins, Director of the Office of Head Start, as he marks his first anniversary of leading Head Start.  In this video, presented at the National Head Start Association conference, Channell introduces OHS Senior Staff from the central office in Washington, DC and each Regional Office Program Manager. 

Hear Channell reflect on his first year and his plans for the coming year.  Listen to Senior Staff describe current national activities of interest to the Head Start community. 

See programs from across the country being featured for their innovative ideas and promising practices.  Watching these practices may inspire new and creative ideas that could be useful in your local community. 

Of all the many reasons to be proud, it’s the continued commitment to the children and families we serve that remains at the top of the list.   Head Start continues to lead the field of early childhood education!

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Channell Wilkins, Director, Office of Head Start
Renee Perthuis, Director of Program Operations
Craig Turner, Director of Policy and Budget
Ann Linehan, Director of Quality Assurance
Amanda Bryans, Director of Educational Development and Partnerships
Frank Fuentes, Deputy Director

Louise Eldridge, Region 1 Program Manager
Matthew Schottenfeld, Region 2 Program Manager
Nancy Elmore, Region 3 Program Manager
Marsha Lawrence, Region 4 Program Manager
Kay Willmoth, Region 5 Program Manager
Carlton Reid, Region 6 Program Manager
Pat Brown, Region 7 Program Manager
Ross Weaver, Region 8 Program Manager
Jan Len, Region 9 Program Manager
Nancy Hutchins, Region 10 Program Manager
Georgeline Sparks, American Indian-Alaska Native Program Branch Chief
Sandra Carton, Migrant and Seasonal Program Branch Chief

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Head Start: Building a Team for Our Future.  DHHS/ACF/OHS. 2007. English. Streaming Video. 00:40:00.

Last Reviewed: May 2012