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Hudson Valley Community College

Name Hudson Valley Community College
Address 80 Vandenburgh Ave.
Troy, NY 12180
Phone 877-325-HVCC


Associate's Early Childhood (A.A.S.)

Accreditation Body

  Middle States Association


Name School of Liberal Arts & Sciences
Description The Early Childhood program provides students the opportunity to explore the foundations of education and child development in a culturally sensitive, inclusive, and interactive environment. Students acquire knowledge about curriculum content, models of instruction, educational theory, and best practices which enable them to enter the workforce in an early childhood program or continue their education in a four-year baccalaureate program in teacher education. The major emphasizes direct work with children: students spend one day each week during their first year, and two days per week during their second year, student teaching in early childhood and primary settings within the local community. This field experience takes place under the supervision of a college faculty member.It is possible to pursue most of the Early Childhood associate’s degree through online, evening, and weekend classes.
Total Credits Required 18


Education Math I or 1 unit of equivalent academic math. A 2.0 GPA is required for transfer. Additional social science or humanities recommended. HIgh school average 70 or above

Delivery Method

OnLine Blackboard
Combination This degree program offers more than 75 percent of the courses online. Some online courses have required on-campus labs and/or proctored exams. These programs are listed below.

Specific Technology Requirements

Computer Computer that meets these minimum requirements: Windows XP or higher, Mac OSX 10.x or higher, 56K modem or broadband Internet connection, Microsoft Internet Explorer 6.x or higher, Mozilla Firefox 2.x or higher, or Apple Safari 2.x or higher (other browsers may work, but all features may not function properly).
Internet Access Internet access required. Internet Explorer 6.0 or higher, Mozilla Firefox 2.0 or higher, Safari 2.0 or higherrecommended
E-Mail E-mail access is required.


Name Nancy T. Cupolo, Department Chair
Address Hudson Valley Community College
Higbee Hall, Room 109
Troy NY 12180


Telephone-Land 518-629-7250

Articulation Agreements

Institution The college has official transfer agreements with more than 30 colleges and universities around the country, including direct transfer agreements with top programs at RPI, Siena, Union, Russell Sage, Saint Rose and the University at Albany. Each year, more than 40 percent of graduates continue their education at a four-year college or university.


Cost For information on tuition and fees, visit
Financial Aid The Financial Aid Office Web page has information and details on how to apply for financial aid.
Scholarship The Second Chance Scholarship is offered each year to students who show a determination to succeed academically and have overcome hardships to continue their education.