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The major functions of the Office of Legal Policy are to:

Develop strategies and programs to implement legislative, programmatic and policy initiatives.

Serve as a liaison to the Executive Office of the President and other agencies on policy matters.

Conduct policy reviews of legislation and other proposals and support and coordinate Departmental efforts to advance the Administration's legislative and policy agenda.

Assure policy consistency and coordination of Departmental initiatives, briefing materials and policy statements.

Provide support and policy expertise in conjunction with other components to implement effectively major Departmental and Administration initiatives in the criminal and civil justice areas.

Assist the President and the Attorney General in filling all Article III and certain Article I judicial vacancies.

Coordinate regulatory development and the review of all proposed and final rules developed by all Department components.

Serve as liaison to OMB and other agencies on regulatory matters.

Track and coordinate Departmental implementation of statutory responsibilities and reporting requirements.

Updated: August 2011
General Information Office of Legal Policy
Christopher H. Schroeder
Assistant Attorney General
Office of Legal Policy
(202) 514-4601
Interagency Alternative Dispute Resolution Working Group
Judicial Nominations
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