News February 19

February 19, 2013

Senator Sanders

USPS Sen. Sanders joined 23 other senators in challenging the postmaster general’s authority to end Saturday mail delivery without congressional approval. The senators are asking for a legal justification, in writing, as to what Postmaster General Patrick R. Donahoe thinks gives him authority to unilaterally stop Saturday service, all-news radio KXNT-FM in Las Vegas reported on Monday. AUDIO

Dairy Sen. Patrick Leahy addressed the St. Albans Cooperative Creamery annual meeting. The Milk Income Loss Contract, a Leahy authored support program for farmers, expired last year. Leahy was able to get a temporary reauthorization of the program, however, and as a result Vermont farmers received $450,000 in payments. Speaking on behalf of Sen. Bernie Sanders, staffer Jenny Nelson urged farmers who received a check to give Leahy a round of applause, the St. Albans Messenger reported. LINK

Climate Change “Gamely plowing ahead despite an absence of support beyond party lines, Sens. Barbara Boxer and Sanders on Feb. 14 proposed a bill to impose a carbon tax, something this [Los Angeles Times editorial] page has been urging since 2007 but whose current prospects look dim.” LINK

Citizens United West Virginia lawmakers were urged to join a national attempt to undo a Supreme Court ruling that let corporations and wealthy individuals spend unlimited sums on political campaigns. The Charleston Gazette cited Sen. Sanders’ warning that the unregulated flow of cash into campaign coffers threatens to give America a government "of the rich, by the rich, for the rich." LINK


Leahy in Cuba Seeks American Prisoner Release A high-level delegation of American lawmakers headed by Sen. Leahy arrived in Havana on a two-day fact-finding mission that includes meetings with Cuban leaders and an expected visit with jailed U.S. contractor Alan Gross, CBS News reported. "We would love him [Gross] to be on the plane with us when we leave" Wednesday, said Leahy. LINK


Sequester Less than two weeks before across-the-board spending cuts begin taking effect, President Obama is cranking up pressure on congressional Republicans to agree to a Democratic plan that would temporarily block the deep reductions. Obama is scheduled to speak Tuesday at a White House event with first responders whose jobs might be lost if the federal government slashes budgets as scheduled on March 1, the Los Angeles Times reported. LINK

Gas Prices Gas prices at U.S. gasoline pumps have climbed for 32 consecutive days to a four-month high, as refinery closures cut output and higher crude prices raise costs, The Wall Street Journal reported. The national retail gasoline price has risen 43 cents, or 13 percent, to $3.73 a gallon since Jan. 17, according to the Automobile Association of America. LINK


Gas Prices Vermonters are paying more for gas than most other Americans, an average of $3.84 a gallon, compared to a national average of $3.73, but prices aren’t going up as fast as in other parts of the country. Vermont gas prices have gone up 27 cents a gallon over the past month while the average price nationwide increased 42 cents a gallon, WCAX-TV reported. LINK

Tar Sands Pipeline The head of a regional oil pipeline company says he’s looking for new projects, including using the line to carry controversial tar sands oil across northern New England. The Legislature is reviewing the pipeline issue amid national protests against a project that would carry tar sands oil from western Canada to the Gulf of Mexico. Green groups have raised similar concerns about an existing line that runs from the Canadian border across Vermont and New Hampshire to Portland, Maine, Vermont News Bureau reported. LINK

Veterans Home State Sen. Richard Sears said Monday he had serious concerns about the future of the 200 jobs at the Vermont Veterans’ Home because of what he’s expecting to be a $4 million deficit in this year’s budget, the Rutland Herald reported. LINK

Wind Power Vermont legislators pushing for moratorium on wind power projects believe a pending recommendation from a commission created to review the sites won't come in time to influence debate on the bill. The commission's deadline is April 30, with a draft report expected by the end of March. Sen. John Rodgers told The Caledonian-Record the Energy and Natural Resources Committee will have already moved on the bill by then. LINK

Shumlin Flew State Plane to Campaign Event Gov. Peter Shumlin rode a state-owned airplane to Lyndonville's Caledonia County Airport for a Sept. 27 campaign event and failed to reimburse taxpayers for the cost of the trip. After Seven Days inquired, the governor's office asked the campaign to pay for the final leg of that day's trip, which cost just $65.80, the state agency claimed. LINK

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