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Ground Validation Data Access

Access to LPVEx data

A significant portion of the LPVEx dataset is now available for access via the GPM GV data archive at the GHRC DAAC, and by SFTP at the CloudSat GV data archive at CSU CIRA. A formal announcement for release of the complete dataset will occur no later than December 2011. Contact Walt Petersen for more information.

Access to C3VP data

A summary table and information on how to access C3VP data is available.

Data products from many investigators are available without restriction and can be accessed via the ftp sites identified in the table. Points-of-contact listed on the table can be consulted for more information on the data format and content, and on other details of data access and use.

Access to Validation Network Data, Software, and Documentation

Please direct your inquiry for Validation Network data to the GPM GV contacts. The software that runs the Validation Network is now open source, and is available at the Goddard Open Source page. The Validation Network Data User's Guide provides detailed descriptions of the VN data format and contents.

Access to Radar Profiler and Related Data

Radar profiler data were collected by Dr. Christopher Williams from the University of Colorado at Boulder/NOAA Earth System Research Laboratory under funding from NASA's Precipitation Measurement Mission. The data are being provided to the NASA PMM community to help validate and improve satellite retrieval algorithms and cloud resolving models. The data sets are derived from surface rain gauges, a disdrometer and vertical pointing profilers deployed at the Australian Bureau of Meteorology Research Centre (BMRC) wind profiler site near Darwin, Australia during the Tropical Western Pacific - International Cloud Experiment (TWP-ICE). Documentation to the data can be found by clicking here.