Building exterior photo

NOAA Earth System Research Laboratory
Chemical Sciences Division
325 Broadway R/CSD
Boulder, Colorado 80305-3337 USA

Contact Overview

Visitor Information
Organization Chart
Office of the DirectorDr. A.R. Ravishankara
Administrative OfficeNan Serkes
Computing & Networking ResourcesJoan M. Brundage
Staff Listing
or search the broader NOAA Locator/Staff Directory

Research Groups

Home: Boulder, Colorado. Latitude 39.99°N, Longitude 105.26°W, Elevation 1700m. We are located on the Department of Commerce (DoC) Boulder Laboratories campus. The staff and their laboratories and offices are in the north block of the David Skaggs Research Center on this site. Included are airborne instrument development and testing labs, photochemical reaction labs, optical techniques labs, radar instrumentation labs, and computer workstations used in modeling of the chemistry of the atmosphere.

Facilities: Scientific observations of CSD go far beyond the home site and have at times extended from "pole to pole" on the Earth. Other facilities, namely the research aircraft, enable CSD scientists to carry their instrumentation into the upper troposphere and lower stratosphere. These aircraft include the NOAA Aircraft Operations Center WP3-D and the NASA WB-57. Field missions have taken CSD scientists to Antarctica, Greenland, Nova Scotia, and numerous other places - literally "to the ends of the Earth and points in between."

facilities collage

Clockwise from top: chartered DC-3 aircraft; NOAA R/V Ronald H. Brown; NOAA Aircraft Operations Center WP-3D aircraft; NASA WB-57 high altitude research aircraft