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SRP000015  Bacteroides intestinalis DSM 17393 Whole Genome Sequencing Project

Study Type: 
Whole Genome Sequencing
Submission:  SRA000244 by on 2007-10-16 15:17:00
Abstract:  Deep draft genome sequencing of a Human Gut Microbiome Initiative representative isolate.
Description:  Metagenomic studies of complex microbial communities residing in our various body habitats are limited by the availability of suitable reference genomes for confident assignment of short sequence reads generated by highly parallel DNA sequencers, and by knowledge of the professions (niches) of community members. The Human Gut Microbiome Initiative (HGMI), which represents a collaboration between Washington University's Genome Sequencing Center and its Center for Genome Sciences, seeks to provide simply annotated, deep draft genome sequences for 100 cultured representatives of the phylogenetic diversity documented by 16S rRNA surveys of the human gut microbiota.
Center Project:  2140531728
BioProject:  20523 (primary)
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Total: 1 530,677 136.7 M
download SRX000021 530,677 136.7 M
SRR000129 7,298 1.9 M
SRR000130 255,119 65.7 M
SRR000131 5,663 1.5 M
SRR000132 4,067 1.0 M
SRR000133 258,092 66.5 M
SRR000134 438 109,899