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Institute for Applied Ecosystem Studies

Publications & Products

Results 261 - 270 of 320
Spatial simulation of forest succession and timber harvesting using LANDIS Gustafson, Eric J.; Shifley, Stephen R.; Mladenoff, David J.; Nimerfro, Kevin K.; He, Hong S. 2000
21st Session of the International Poplar Commission (IPC-2000): poplar and willow culture: meeting the needs of society and the environment; 200 September 24-28; Vancouver, WA. Isebrands, J.G.; Richardson, J. 2000
Using landscape metrics to model source habitat for Neotropical migrants in the midwestern U.S. Fauth, Peter T.; Gustafson, Eric J.; Rabenold, Kerry N. 2000
Microhabitat Characteristics of sites used by swamp rabbits Zollner, Patrick A.; Smith, Winston P.; Brennan, Leonard A. 2000
Seventh workshop on seedling physiology and growth problems in oak plantings (abstracts); 1998 September 27-29; South Lake Tahoe, CA. McCreary, D.D.; Isebrands, J.G. 1999
Vegetation responsees to landscape structure at multiple scales across a Northern Wisconsin, USA, pine barrens landscape Brosofske, K.D.; Chen, J.; Crow, Thomas R.; Saunders, S.C. 1999
Spatially explicit and stochastic simulation of forest landscape fire disturbance and succession He, Hong S.; Mladenoff, David J. 1999
An object-oriented forest landscape model and its representation of tree species He, Hong S.; Mladenoff, David J.; Boeder, Joel 1999
Volatile organic compound emmission rates from mixed deciduous and coniferous foest in Northern Wisconsin, USA Isebrands, J. G.; Guenther, A. B.; Harley, P.; Helmig, D.; Klinger, L.; Vierling, L.; Zimmerman, P.; Geron, C. 1999
Linking an ecosystem model and a landscape model to study forest species response to climate warming He, Hong S.; Mladenoff, David J.; Crow, Thomas R. 1999

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Last Modified: 12/23/2012

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Tools and Data


Changing Midwest Assessment Maps

  • Resource Maps 1980-2000 - View maps that illustrate the spatial distribution, direction and intensity of the changes that have occurred on the biophysical and social landscapes of the Midwest.
  • Internet Mapping Service - This application provides you the opportunity to interactively browse the geospatial data layers created for the Changing Midwest Assessment.
Featured Publication
Weed Compaction Roller

[photo:] Roller designed and patented by Institute Scientist Ron Zalesny

Combination foliage compaction and treatment method and apparatus. U.S. Patent No. US 7,121,040. Issued on October 17, 2006.

Patent is available for licensing by commercial manufacturers. For more information contact Ron Zalesny.


[image:] Cover image from publicationA weed compaction roller system for use with mechanical herbicide application.