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Kansas State University

Name Kansas State University
Address 119 Anderson Hall
Manhattan, KS 66506
Phone 800-622-2578


Endorsement English as a Second Language

Accreditation Body

  NCATE; North Central Association of Colleges and Schools


Name K-State Division of Continuing Education -- College of Education
Description The mission of the CLASSIC© Endorsement Program (Critically-reflective Lifelong Advocatory for Secondary language learners, Site-specific Innovation, & Cross-cultural competency) is to provide a comprehensive program designed to meet the needs of educators and administrators. The ESL courses are designed to allow educators to address issues which are relevant and applicable to their classrooms and school sites.


Education This Endorsement is offered to educators who are certified to teach in Kansas.

Delivery Method

OnLine K-State Online (online classroom), E-mail lists, Message boards
TELNET2 Offered only in Kansas
Correspondence Videotape, CD-ROM, Audiocassette, Guided study

Specific Technology Requirements

Computer Computer required. Students must have dual-core processor or better, Windows XP, Vista or MAC OS X, 128 MB video RAM, Ethernet (100 MBPS) or wireless connection, CD-R/W, DVD-R/W, or USB mass-storage device, 1 GB RAM, 80 GB hard drive, Sound card, Speakers
Internet Access Internet access is required.
E-Mail E-mail access is required.


Name Cristina Fanning, Associate Director/Instructor CIMA
Address Kansas State University
Bluemont Hall Rm. 222
Manhattan KS 66506


Telephone-Land 785-532-7685
E-Mail Send Email

Articulation Agreements

Institution Generally, up to 90 hours from other accredited institutions can be accepted. You can transfer up to half of your bachelor's requirements from a two-year (community) college, usually 60 to 63 hours. Students who have earned college or university credit after high school graduation must have a minimum cumulative GPA of 2.0 on a 4.0 scale to qualify for admission to the university. K-State has transfer articulation agreements with the 19 Kansas community colleges. Students who have received an associate of arts degree from a Kansas community college are guaranteed junior classification. All credits of an associate degree are not necessarily applicable toward a bachelor's degree; additional freshman, sophomore, and general education courses may be required to meet degree requirements. Official transcripts must be sent to the K-State Office of Admissions from the Registrar's Office of each institution attended. Students with 24 + transfer hours must have a min. cumulative 2.0 GPA on all transfer courses. Transfer students with less than 24 transfer hours must meet 1 of 4 criteria :graduation from accredited high school; a 21 + composite ACT or a 980 + on the SAT I, CR + M.; or rank in top third of your graduating class.


  Students who are 21 or older and have graduated from high school, or earned a GED score of at least 2,550 overall and 510 on each test, may be admitted to Kansas State University without meeting the state's ACT score, high school rank, or high school GPA criteria. Adult students are required to have a cumulative college GPA of 2.0.Kansas State University realizes there are circumstances that may prevent students from meeting the admission requirements. Students who have encountered unusual situations that may have kept them from meeting the requirements for admission should bring those circumstances to the attention of an admissions director. In some situations, a student who has not met the established admission requirements may be admitted on an exception basis.