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Dancer in the Gujarati-language theater

Two Gentlemen of . . . Calcutta?

Indian theater memoirs: pranks, plots, and passions

Zennon Hill in Cornwall

Dear Amy,

"Congenital understanding" existed between D. H. Lawrence, Amy Lowell

Dust Jacket for "How to Do Things with Books"

How to Do Things with Books

Victorian novelists took dim view of bibliophiles

Composer John Cage, center, in 1991

Cagey Cage

Marching to the beat of a silent drummer.

Characters from "Desperate Fishwives"

Travale's Travails

Educational adventure-game explores Elizabethan Age.

Book cover for "From Alexander to Constantine"

Kingly Pursuits

Herod built on a Roman scale.

Two people view interactive table

Quilty Table

Digital humanities enhances emotional experience of viewing AIDS Quilt

Book cover for Stidentism

Stridentism: Motors and Wings Included

Mexican Cultural Movement in the Twenties Had Plenty of Varoom

Poster of opera singer Emma Calve

Tales of the Parisian Opera

This diva was the real deal

Walden Pond in spring

Thoreau on Flora

Author of Walden proves to be invaluable to today's scientists studying climate change.