Goal 1: Promote Volunteerism and Help New Yorkers Connect to Service Opportunities

Strategic ProgramDescription
MarketingTo use the NYC Service website, social media channels and promotional campaigns as a source to promote volunteer recruitment and recognition.
NYC Civic CorpsThe NYC Civic Corps, an AmeriCorps program run by NYC Service, is a full-time 10-month service year experience.
Special Service VolunteersNYC Service will create new volunteer outreach campaigns to engage skilled volunteers in Volunteer Impact Initiatives.
Go PassOffers low-cost, one-time fingerprint-based background checks for volunteers working with vulnerable populations—children, persons with disabilities, and the elderly.
Corporate ServiceNYC Service will be a catalyst for increasing the number of corporations working with nonprofits and City Agencies.
College and University ConnectionsNYC Service will develop relationships and an integrated system with colleges and universities to utilize students in all Volunteer Impact Initiatives.
Military and VeteransNYC Service creates volunteer opportunities to support service member and veteran needs and assists in leveraging veterans as volunteers.
City EmployeesNYC Service empowers City employees to volunteer in their neighborhoods and other areas and coordinates Special Days of Service and Campaigns.

Goal 2: Targeting Volunteers to Address New York City’s Greatest Needs

Communities and Neighbors

Love Your BlockLove Your Block (LYB) is an initiative of NYC Service in partnership with Citizens Committee for New York City and three City agencies that provides a unique opportunity for City residents to transform and beautify their neighborhoods while leveraging City services.
Immigrant ServicesNYC Service supports immigrant community needs and encourages immigrants to serve as volunteers. We encourage immigrant civic leadership and inclusion for all in government.
Senior SupportNYC Service will support the NYC Department for the Aging (DFTA) and senior service organizations to increase volunteerism for and by seniors. Baby Boomers are 30% of NYC’s adult population and a critical source of volunteers.
Days of Service & Special CampaignsTo heighten the profile of service and volunteerism in NYC by engaging more New Yorkers in one-time volunteer opportunities that address New York City’s most critical needs.


Universal Pre-KSupport Universal Pre-K enrollment and program operations with volunteers as New York City creates Pre-K seats for over 53,000 youngsters.
Middle School After SchoolNYC Service will help to create a volunteer structure in Middle School After School programs.

Economic and Workforce Development

Financial EmpowermentEngages volunteers in helping their fellow New Yorkers manage, save and protect their money.
Workforce ReadinessIn partnership with the NYC Human Resources Administration, the Workforce Readiness initiative identifies and trains volunteers to serve HRA clients with a focus on different workforce skills.

Health and Well-Being

Shape Up NYCNYC Service works with the NYC Department of Parks and Recreation to build volunteer networks for Shape Up NYC, a free fitness program offering classes ranging from yoga to kick boxing, available at diverse locations across all five boroughs.
CPR TrainingProvides free CPR training to New Yorkers in all five boroughs. Efforts are currently aimed at building awareness and training high school students in CPR, Automated External Defibrillator (AED) usage, and maintaining a heart-healthy lifestyle.
Reducing HungerReducing food insecurity in NYC by engaging volunteers in activities that connect people with public nutrition benefits


MillionTreesNYCAims to plant 1,000,000 new trees in NYC by 2017 by empowering New Yorkers to plant and care for trees through educational outreach, city-wide planting days, city-wide stewardship days, and a Stewardship Corps program.
GreenSpaceSupport volunteer opportunities to expand community gardens and develop green infrastructure to support clean water, including major growth of bioswales.

Emergency Preparedness and Response

Sandy Community SupportIdentifies and supports rebuilding and recovery efforts in Sandy-affected areas by coordinating with City and Federal agencies, as well as nonprofit and community partners.
Emergency and Readiness for VolunteersNYC Service coordinates efforts to systematize processes and communications for spontaneous and affiliated volunteers during emergencies.

Goal 3: Elevate youth volunteer service as a development and leadership strategy for our city


K-12 Service LearningAn expanded initiative to create youth service opportunities and improve academic performance and life skills (social and emotional intelligence) of New York City youth.
Teen Service and LeadershipThe Teen Service and Leadership Initiative will effectively engage youth in policy, practice and service in order to advance solutions to urban problems and opportunities.
MentoringNYC Service engages volunteers in meaningful, recurring mentor relationships to enhance the social-emotional support of our City’s youth.

Goal 4: Create service year programs to develop individuals, communities, and civic leaders

Strategic ProgramDescription
NYC VISTANYC VISTA supports efforts at seven NYC government agencies to help lift New Yorkers out of poverty by increasing the agencies' scale and reach, effectiveness and efficiency as they work with local communities to serve targeted populations of struggling New Yorkers.
City Service CorpsCity Service Corps is a new full-time 10-month service year experience.
Capacity Building Systems & ModelsNYC Service will develop a model for strategic volunteer management
Nonprofit & City Board Development & LeadershipNYC Service will identify and support board models to include adults and teens in outreach, recruitment and placement for nonprofits and City Agencies.

Goal 5: Build capacity to support, grow, and recognize volunteers and their impact on community organizations and city agencies

Strategic ProgramDescription
NYC Community SchoolsNYC Community Schools Corps will support AmeriCorps State and National, VISTA, and National Civilian Community Corps (NCCC) members who will help transform 128 NYC Department of Education schools in low-income communities into Community Schools.
Volunteer Metrics & Impact EvaluationNYC Service will establish an internal system to track volunteer metrics and impact and recognize pro bono and in-kind contributions. We will develop a volunteer tracking template for all City agencies and community-based organizations.
NYC Volunteer Inventory and Volunteer RecognitionNYC Service will create systems to connect, leverage and recognize all New York City volunteers in City agencies, nonprofits and corporations for their service.