Kinderreisepässe & Travel to the U.S.

On November 17, 2011, in Berlin, Frankfurt, Hamburg, Main, Munich, by For the People

With the winter holiday travel season upon us, we’d like to reiterate that German citizen children in possession of children’s passports (Kinderreisepass) and children’s ID (Kinderausweis) cannot travel to the United States without a visa. Do you[...]

National Missing Children’s Day

On May 31, 2011, in Berlin, Frankfurt, Main, Munich, by For the People

Last year, parents abducted nearly 2,000 children to or from the United States. On this National Missing Children’s Day, Secretary of State Hillary Rodham Clinton encourages us to continue to stand up, speak out, and do our part to keep our most vulnerable citizens safe. Click here to watch the Secretary’s remarks.

Teaching Kids about Advertisements

On March 8, 2011, in Main, by For the People

AdmongoToday, we’d like to highlight a new project by the Federal Trade Commission – Admongo! Admongo is an online game for children ages 8-12 that promotes advertisement literacy. Kids learn to recognize the different types of advertising and ask:

  • Who is responsible for the ad?
  • What is the ad actually saying?
  • What does the ad want me to do?
  • [...]