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Tuning the ATTA magneto-optic atom trap at Argonne National laboratory.10.01.12Science Highlight

Sleuthing the Fate of Water in Ancient Aquifers and Ice Cores

Precision analytical techniques developed for fundamental experiments in nuclear physics now enable routine measurements of ultra-low concentrations of Krypton radioisotopes in samples of water, ice, and gas. Read More »

Interior view of the CEBAF Large Acceptance Spectrometer (CLAS) at TJNAF.10.01.12Science Highlight

Solved: The Case of the Missing “Excited” Nucleons

Discovery could provide a deeper understanding of the dynamics of the three quarks enslaved inside the nucleon. Read More »

NASA Chamber A10.01.12Science Highlight

Space Chamber Reaches Cold Target at Unprecedented Efficiency

Thomas Jefferson Laboratory lends expertise in cryogenics developments. Read More »

Acctinium 225 in 2 V Vials07.01.12Science Highlight

Progress on Production of Alpha-emitting Radioisotopes for Cancer Therapy

High yield production of Actinium-225 and Radium-223 achieved by high energy proton bombardment of natural thorium targets. Read More »

PhytoPET plant imaging system.06.01.12Science Highlight

Radiation Imaging Detectors for Plant Photosynthesis Research

Imaging tools aid research in global climate change, plant genetics, biofuels, agriculture, and carbon sequestration. Read More »

Map of bound even-even nuclei as a function of the proton number Z and the neutron number N.06.01.12Science Highlight

New Horizons on the Nuclear Landscape

New calculations have quantified the boundaries and uncertainties of the ‘chart of the nuclides’—the extended periodic table of all matter. Read More »

Last modified: 11/9/2015 9:00:00 PM