Joint Bioenergy Institute

Joint Bioenergy Institute 

 Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory

Stories of Discovery & Innovation

An image of a schematic diagram.01.14.13Stories of Discovery & Innovation

Follow the Atoms

Innovative computational approach accurately maps biochemical reactions at the atomic level. Read More »

Microscopic image of heat-sensitive microspheres. 12.05.12Stories of Discovery & Innovation

Preventing Laptop Fires and “Thermal Runaway”

Researchers point to “self-healing” materials as a potential means of improving lithium ion battery safety. Read More »

An image of a sunsetting and a smokestack.10.31.12Stories of Discovery & Innovation

Profiting from Waste?

Researchers fashion a record-breaking material to recycle waste heat into electricity. Read More »

Using polymers to develop new low work function materials, EFRC researchers created the first completely plastic solar cell, where not just the cell itself but also its electrodes are made of plastic.09.24.12Stories of Discovery & Innovation

Just One Word—Plastics

A “universal” plastic coating could lead to lower cost, more flexible electronic devices. Read More »

Playing cards constructed as a house of cards08.06.12Stories of Discovery & Innovation

Could Cheaper Gasoline be "in the Cards"?

EFRC researchers develop ingenious house-of-card structures to improve catalyst performance. Read More »

Brief Science Highlights

Supercomputers could help speed up the drug discovery process by identifying suitable chemicals (seen as gray spheres)October 2012Science Highlights

Designing Drugs on Supercomputers

Researchers use Oak Ridge Leadership Computing Facility to accelerate drug discovery. Read More »

Supercomputer simulation of the evolution of the universeOctober 2012Science Highlights

Universe in a (Blue) Bottle

Simulating the evolution of the universe on the Argonne Leadership Computing Facility’s IBM Blue Gene/Q. Read More »

Carbon dioxide gas separation is important for many environmental and energy applications.June 2012Science Highlights

Supercomputers Drive Discovery of Materials for More Efficient Carbon Capture

Researchers use NERSC to Create Carbon Dioxide-Separating Polymer. Read More »

“Early Universe” simulation, performed on NERSC supercomputerOctober 2012Science Highlights

“Dark Fiber” Enables Research to Create Tomorrow’s Internet

The Advanced Networking Initiative testbed is allowing researchers to develop radical new technologies for the next generation Internet. Read More »

Nanometer-scale pores in single-layer freestanding grapheneApril 2012Science Highlights

Water, Water, Everywhere

NERSC helps researchers design new desalination technology. Read More »

Last modified: 1/18/2013 4:35:59 PM